Objectives: Allergic disease may be increased by climate change. Recent reports
have shown that typhoon and heavy rain increase allergic disease locally by
concentration of airborne allergens of pollen, ozone, and fungus, which are
causes of allergic disease. The objective of this study was to determine whether
typhoon and heavy rain increase allergic disease in Korea.
Methods: This study included allergic disease patients of the area declared as a
special disaster zone due to storms and heavy rains from 2003 to 2009. The study
used information from the Korea Meteorological Administration, and from the
National Health Insurance Service for allergic diseases (asthma, allergic rhinitis,
and atopic dermatitis).
Results: During a storm period, the numbers of allergy rhinitis and atopic
dermatitis outpatients increased [rate ratio (RR) Z 1.191; range, 1.150e1.232]
on the sixth lag day. However, the number of asthma outpatients decreased
(RR Z 0.900; range, 0.862e0.937) on the sixth lag day after a disaster period.
During a storm period, the numbers of allergic rhinitis outpatients (RR Z 1.075;
range, 1.018e1.132) and atopy outpatients increased (RR Z 1.134; range,
1.113e1.155) on the seventh lag day. However, the number of asthma outpatients
decreased to RR value of 0.968 (range, 0.902e1.035) on the fifth lag
Conclusion: This study suggests that typhoon and heavy rain increase allergic
disease apart from asthma. More study is needed to explain the decrease in