After breaking through the Burmese siege, Praya Taksin united his force and decided o transferred the capital from Ayutthaya to the site closer to the sea for a reason of more defensive position and benefits from trades that were then necessities for the re-establishment of the kingdom; hence the new capital of Siam-Thonburi on the west bank of the Chao Praya River, just opposite the present-day Bangkok. Due to the aftermaths of disunity and chaos of Ayutthaya's collapse, Thonburi could not avoid the constant battles both with Burma and also the uprising rebellions throughout the kingdom. Despite the unification of most provinces, Thonburi, as a capital of Siam lasted only 15 years. Taksin, reportedly go insane, was forced to abdicate the throne by his ministers and generals, and eventually executed. The event marked the beginning of a new shift which oversaw the present-day Thailand.