Last night you misunderstood me.
All night while I was sat reading in bed, you were cuddling up next to me. Of course there was no problem with this. There’s never been a problem. It felt nice.
When you woke after perhaps 1 AM I was now ready to lay down and turn the light off so I asked if you could move over a little bit so I could lay down.
I did not ask you to move away from me.
I did not ask you to get out of the bed.
I just asked if you could move over a little bit.
I had to open some new cream again to place between my legs because I am itchy and uncomfortable. So I need to open my legs to let the air breath in. That, and my body is big and I ALWAYS toss and turn in the bed so you know I need more room.
Anyway, at exactly midnight last night 00:00 I kissed you while you were sleeping and I wished you happy birthday and smiled while you were sleeping.
But again I wish you a happy birthday and I hope you can one day feel happiness again.