Turn back to the four personality types on page 7 and think about
which one most likely describes Mr. Smith. Review Table 1.1 to get some
words and phrases in your mind, then answer the questions below. After
you’ve completed the exercise, read the comments that follow.
1. Write a one-sentence statement of your objective. Think action:
What do you want Mr. Smith to do as a result of reading your
2. What job is your favorite boss applying for?
3. What’s Mr. Smith’s personality type likely to be?
4. List a few qualities that make your boss stand out as a successful
supervisor. (Note these are features.) For example, perhaps your
boss has great technical knowledge, or perhaps she is able to give
directions clearly.
5. For each quality (i.e., feature) use Table 1.1 to help you select
a word or two to convert it into a benefit likely to appeal to
Mr. Smith, based on his personality.