„Brother Nan, you, if cries again, we walked.”
Jiang Chen opens the mouth to say.
Hearing Jiang Chen must walk, no matter is really false, Nangong Wen Tian has stopped immediately the weeping sound, changed into a smiling face, this fellow turned hostile seriously flipping through the book is quicker.
„Xiao Chen, hurries to think means to make me, the father had initially fallen into the middle of the space crack, comes out has fallen into this medicine garden, I want to exit, discovered that outside this medicine garden has Restrictive formation, was imprisoned here, Paternal grandmother, the father daily takes a drug here, quickly was tired, if you did not appear, my non- insane has not been possible.”
Nangong Wen Tian said.
Such remarks, immediately brings in sound of the railing, majority obloquied that Nangong Wen Tian shameless is not concerned about face and so on, but also some people envy this goods luck to be good, listens to the Nangong Wen Tian expression, this fellow enters in this medicine garden, was not one day two day, thinks in this many world efficacious medicine by this goods spoiling, the anger of people did not hit one, was killed by the day simply.
„You also know that outside has Restrictive formation, how do I put you to come out?”
Jiang Chen let go.
„Big Yellow, was right, Big Yellow is the Restrictive formation master, a bit faster eradicates this Restrictive formation, puts me to exit.”
Nangong Wen Tian looks to Big Yellow Dog.
„Here Restrictive formation gradual weakening, then automatically will soon be vanishing, if wants the means to eradicate this Restrictive formation, will cause the Restrictive formation energy to make a false counter-accusation, you had not looked that these many people look these Divine Medicine don't dare to touch Restrictive formation? You wait again, met Restrictive formation to vanish you to come out.”
Big Yellow Dog said.
„Good, was too good, the father can exit, Ha Ha.”
Heard soon after to exit, Nangong Wen Tian was wild with joy immediately, laughs.
„Brother Nan, you listened to me to say.”
Jiang Chen lowers the sound, afterward benefits Spiritual Message to send greetings directly to Nangong Wen Tian: „You before Restrictive formation has not vanished, here year quite old efficacious medicine gives to receive, efficacious medicine that especially thoses become a ghost.”
On the Jiang Chen face reveals a sinister smile, here efficacious medicine were too many, one can wait for Restrictive formation to vanish, everybody definitely rushes headlong into mass action, many that more and more now here person presents, once Restrictive formation opens, the scene is beyond control.
Now Nangong Wen Tian in the medicine garden, this simply was the good opportunity of last bestowed by heaven, this fellow can give to draw in all efficacious medicines, outside person did to look does not have the means that naturally, Jiang Chen was impossible to make Nangong Wen Tian so do, so long as received some precious efficacious medicines on the line, remaining made other people snatch, if must draw here efficacious medicine, definitely will cause the popular anger, that was not good.
„Good, here medicine father in any case eats wants to spit, gives you to make comes.”
Nangong Wen Tian turns head to overrun toward the medicine garden, he obtained enough advantage, takes the efficacious medicine also to waste again, does not have what effect, now actually must they make some efficacious medicines to Jiang Chen.
Nangong Wen Tian obviously in the environment to medicine garden is extremely very familiar, his stature in a flash, went to an efficacious medicine thick place suddenly, puts out a hand to grasp, two dragon ginseng of becoming a ghost by his one one grasping, received to the Qi Hai space in afterward.
„Is this bastard doing? He also took two dragon ginseng of becoming a ghost, the day has killed.”
„You look, that was giant Huang Jinlian, the rhizome quickly catches up with the big tree, was eradicated by him.”
Many people have called out in alarm immediately, sees only Nangong Wen Tian to grasp giant Huang Jinlian, gives to eradicate directly, then received in the Qi Hai space, completes these, this goods have not forgotten to outside winking, this is typical owing.