The AN method is less sensitive
to this change on the relief, as the changes are probably related
to the strong events (extremes) usually found in this part of the basin.
In spring (not shown), according to QM and AN, a significant
diminution of precipitation is expected between the Cevennes
and the Rhône river. In contrary, WT produces non significant
anomalies. Differences in sign are also found in autumn. During
this period, as in spring, AN and QM are dryer than WT, which produces
a positive anomaly over half of the region, but the anomalies
are not significant for any of the methods. Summer (Fig. 6) is the
period with more significant changes (Fig. 7), according to the
three methods. The anomalies are mainly negative, but, again,
the spatial structure of these anomalies is different, depending
on the method used.