The disciple was saluting to Jiang Chen hastily, the matter that two had other day has spread over entire Liang State, is known to everybody to be known to everybody, Jiang Chen kills with one's own hand three big talents, is extinguishes kills the 1-Tier Battle Emperor terrifying fact all fearful and apprehensive, with for the character of younger generation, at present these to Jiang Chen after fear, deep worship, even treated as idol at heart to treat him.
But besides these, Jiang Chen also the status that makes them have to respect, that is the demon cloudy teaches the Young Master friend, Heavenly Demon Palace, if can close right up against Jiang Chen and demon teaches to climb up the relations cloudy, that was too good.
„Ha Ha, the Brother Jiang younger brother your honorable self visits, brother sorry I missed you.”
A series of frank sounds resound, saw Hei Ming Zi to bring Heavenly Demon Palace to do the high level to have 20-30 people simultaneously to fly from Heavenly Demon Palace fully.
„Xiao Chen, so greets way, should be considered as the Heavenly Demon Palace highest specification.”
Monk said with a smile, palace main, not only appeared personally, Zong Mennei all elder high levels were coming out, the welcome way of so high specification, perhaps also only then Jiang Chen had the treatment that thus it can be seen attaching great importance to degree of Hei Ming Zi to Jiang Chen.
Jiang Chen smiled has not spoken, he understands, reason that Hei Ming Zi treats itself so, completely is because the demon teaches the relations of Young Master cloudy.
„Where where, the palace main helps me repeatedly, Jiang Chen naturally is comes to see.”
Jiang Chen has held holding the fist in the other hand.
„In Young Master Jiang requests personally.”
Hand signal that Hei Ming Zi makes invitation, Jiang Chen is impolite, crosses the hands behind the back stride stand forth.
Heavenly Demon Palace that talent looks at Jiang Chen that has an imposing appearance, in the heart cannot bear sigh one, even if he is the Heavenly Demon Palace first talent, even if he is one of the Liang State four big talents, but also has to admire to Jiang Chen at this moment, such talent is few, full of admiration that but to Jiang Chen, actually admires, two fought other day he, although not on the scene, but also knew all matters, he and Xiao Nan Feng their three share the honor, cultivation for quite, but three people died in the Jiang Chen hand completely, completely was not the match, indirect also will be distance between he and Jiang Chen has pulled open, at the same time he. Also rejoiced that the Hei Ming Zi critical moment transformed the manner, stood Jiang Chen, if insisted on for the enemy, oneself were also perhaps same as other person of three people, the final result can only die a tragic death in the hand of Jiang Chen.
In Heavenly Demon Palace central Main Hall, to greet Jiang Chen, Heavenly Demon Palace all high levels all appeared, is holding the fist in the other hand to Jiang Chen.
„Palace host, my something, treats as thanks palace host the reward that lends a hand to help one another, is becomes friends.”
Jiang Chen was saying, his big hand wields, only listens to the sound, over a hundred Demon Spirit flushed fully, reappears in the middle of the Main Hall midair, is sending out the strong demon prestige.