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Marketing is basically helps the consumer’s needs moreeffectively and efficiently with good product and serviceswith best price and delivery. A good marketer continuouslysatisfying consumers needs in better way. Sometimesopportunity to give the consumers in better way is designedby marketers himself and sometimes it is offered by thetechnology. Internet is changing the way consumers shop forgoods and services and has rapidly evolved into a globalevent. Rowley Jennifer, (1998) examined that internet isbecoming a hotbed of advertising, shopping and commercialactivity. Hsieh et al., (2013) stated that internet is influencingpeople’s daily life more so as compared to past. People’sdaily activities have gradually shifted from physicalconditions to virtual environment .The shopping and payment surroundings have also changedfrom physical store into online stores. Weiber and Kollmann,(1998) investigated that online technologies provide manycompetitive advantages like agility, selectivity, individualityand interactivity. Li Na and Zhang Ping, (2002) examinedthat online shopping has become the third most popularInternet activity, immediately following e-mail using, instantmessaging and web browsing. Jush and Ling, (2012) definedonline shopping as the process a customer takes to purchase aservice or product over the internet . A consumer may at hisor her leisure buy from the comfort of their own homeproducts from an online store. Suresh et al., (2011) stated thatonline shopping is becoming popular in India now. Comscorereport, (2013) examined that India is now the world’s thirdlargest internet Population. Younger males and women aged35-44 emerge as power users.73.8 million Indians surfed theweb via a home or work computer. BCG report, (2012) statedthat there will be three billion internet users globally, almosthalf the world’s population. The internet economy will reach$4.2 trillion in the G-20 economics. If it were a nationaleconomy, the internet economy would rank in the world’s top5, behind only the USA, , and India, and ahead of Germany.Kanwal Gurleen, (2012) observed that India has more than100 million internet users out of which one half opts foronline purchases and the number is rising sharply every year.The growth in the number of online shoppers is greaterthan the growth in Internet users, indicating that moreInternet users are becoming comfortable to shop online. Untilrecently, the consumers generally visit online to reserve hotelrooms and buy air, rail or movie tickets, books and gadgets,but now more and more offline product like clothes - saris,kuris, T-shirts-shoes, and designer lingerie, consumerdurables are being purchased online. Master Card WorldwideInsights, (2008) revealed that 47% of internet users shoponline. Indian shopping community is around 28 million andIndian online shopping market is worth about $71 billion.Indian online shoppers spend about 11% of their personalincome in online shopping.II. . STATUS OF ONLINE SHOPPING IN PERSENTBUSINESS ENVIOURNMENTOnline buying behavior is affected by various factors like,economic factors, demographic factors, technical factors,social factors, cultural factors, psychological factors,marketing factors and legislative factors. Customers choosean online-shop mainly based on references, clarity terms ofdelivery, graphic design and additional services.Problematical customers read discussions on the Internetbefore they spend their money on-line and when customersare incapable to purchase the product fast and with no troublethey leave online-shop. Kotler, (2003) described Consumerbuying method as learning, information-processing anddecision-making activity divided in several consequent steps:Problem identification, Information search, Alternativesevaluation, Purchasing decision, Post-purchase behavior.Efthymios, identified the main constituent of the onlineshopping experience as follows: the functionality of the Website that includes the elements trade with the site’s usability.the emotional elements planned for lowering the customer’shesitation by communicating trust and credibility of theonline seller and Web site and the content elements includingthe aesthetic aspects of the online presentation and themarketing mix.Usability and trust are the issues more regularly found toinfluence the online consumer’s behavior. Karayanni, (2examined that discriminating of potential determinantsbetween web- shoppers and non shoppers. Free shipping is agreat motivator to purchase the products and customers arewilling to pay nominal charges for getting their products.While compare the shopping with others shopping,
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