„What? Wúqíng, is he Wúqíng?!” But after hearing this words, the person of surroundings stared in a big way both eyes, careful sized up Chu Feng at this moment, because they early had hearing regarding the name of Wúqíng, almost nobody, does not want to witness the Wúqíng elegant demeanor.
„Originally is only Second Rank Martial Lord? Second Rank does Martial Lord exceed the Immortal Execution Archipelago three extremely talents? Is this really impractical?”
„Yeah, it seems like that the hearsay is also only the hearsay, about this Wúqíng wonderful hearsay, mostly is false.”
„Yes, is well-known to might as well see, today sees, mediocre.”
„Be not drawing conclusion anxiously, you had not seen that just he left a move of speed and strength, this child strength is extraordinary, do not visit him is repairing of Second Rank Martial Lord is, but the real strength, has surmounted Second Rank absolutely, perhaps he really can contend with Zhan Feng.”
„Is impossible, his strength surmounts Second Rank Martial Lord, but also absolutely impossible to contend with Zhan Feng, must know Zhan Feng, but Fifth Rank Martial Lord, the two differ the Third Rank boundary, the strength is disparate, is unable to place on a par.”
„That may not necessarily!!!”
When sees repairing of Chu Feng , the person of presence has been divided into two schools, at the same time thought Chu Feng strength, is impossible to exceed Zhan Feng and other talented people right.
Since just Zhan Feng also acknowledged that in Martial Marking Immortal Realm, indeed was defeated by Chu Feng, then this way, certain such as Zhan Feng said general. Is this is called the person of Wúqíng, the method of use dishonest ways in Martial Marking Immortal Realm, obtained the special strength, can therefore exceed Zhan Feng. At this moment he did not have that strength, absolutely possibly is not the Zhan Feng match.
However also some people thought that Chu Feng just getting rid, shows his uncommonness, his eternal truth legend is perhaps ordinary, has to go against heaven's will the strength not to be uncertain.
At this moment, when Zhan Feng discovered that person who then gets rid to him, originally after is really Wúqíng, he is also startled, but compares in being startled, what he is more is is actually excited and wild with joy, because he knows that proved one and elution shame time.
„Wúqíng, cannot think that you arrived here.”
„Has saying that I admire your courage very much, after leaving Martial Marking Immortal Realm, dares to appear in my front unexpectedly, you should know that I will hit you miserable.” The Zhan Feng vision is shining, is impatient wish Chu Feng knocks down, by the enmity of news the same day.
But regarding the words of Zhan Feng, Chu Feng is actually smiles with great confidence, said: „Actually, I saw a picture, you know that is what?”
„What?” Zhan Feng asked.
„Your whole body is the blood was stepped on by me in the under foot.” Chu Feng answered.
: Yo, Cek makes, the fried cake fruit comes one set, yesterday was three chapters, how today strives for four chapters?