„” At this moment
, Qin Wentian starts the pain roared, the sound was very grating.
At the same time under the Chu Feng that vigorous suppression, his body getting smaller, getting smaller, the pain that he bears is bigger and bigger, is getting bigger and bigger.
He is clear, this way, is not very wonderful, when his volume restores to the normal human size, is he is killed violently.
„Chu Feng, your waste, is Cyanwood Mountain disciple, actually depends upon Spirit Formation technique, your win not military, your win not military!!!” Qin Wentian knows that the date and time are not many, then starts to curse Chu Feng.
However, after hearing Qin Wentian such cursing, Chu Feng actually suddenly stopped to being ruthless of Qin Wentian, instead asked: „You also really thought that if my Chu Feng does not use Spirit Formation technique, isn't your match?”
„Nonsense, your trivial Sixth Rank Martial King, if not use Spirit Formation technique, my spit, can be drown to death while still alive you.”
„Chu Feng, you is a waste, will only use the waste of technique of World Spirit, you in vain are Cultivator, you do not match to make Cultivator, you do not match to treat in Cyanwood Mountain, you leave World Spiritist Alliance.” Qin Wentian continues to curse.
Suddenly, the Chu Feng thought moves, has untied that Eight-Armed Idol Formation unexpectedly, oneself from the summit of white clouds, fall gently, fell above the square.
„Oh, what is Chu Feng this must make? Should he really with Qin Wentian, do not compete martial cultivation method?”
Sees this, many people on the scene, had a scare, they thought that Chu Feng was really swayed by personal feelings, has the opportunity that must win not to grasp, instead must use own short board and human disputes, this is not the wise behavior.
But at this moment, Qin Wentian is personal appearance in a flash, that huge stature, changes to piece of blood red Mist unexpectedly, quickly, arrives at the Chu Feng near, resembling is a scarlet python is ordinary, the Chu Feng tight winding.
Qin Wentian at this moment, is not a human, he is a monster, can change to any shape, any object.
„Ha Ha, Chu Feng you were really too extremely arrogant, the master contested, fast changing, you such truth did not understand unexpectedly, gives the opportunity that I have counter-attacked.”
„You could rest assured that my Qin Wentian, to you opportunity, you will not die, you more die with injustice unredressed, I am happy, because you deserve to be damned.” During the Qin Wentian speeches, uses the complete strength, more entangles to Chu Feng is tighter, he must stiffly pinches the smashing Chu Feng.
„”, however, thought when Qin Wentian, Chu Feng must die without doubt, Chu Feng actually sends out a chuckle, afterward sees only in its five thunder twinkles, only listens to „” a bang, the innumerable [say / way] thunder, are common just like the sharp knife blade, explodes to shoot from Chu Feng within the body.
That thunder place visited, all living things completely destroys, all living things completely extinguishes, including that side space that Chu Feng is, was rumbled the smashing, void collapsing, anything does not remain, Chu Feng places in a darkness, the surrounding all did not have, but Qin Wentian, naturally is also without a trace of disappearance, dying cannot die again.
„Forgets to tell you, I do not use Martial Power, but does not want to let miserable that too you defeat.”
Chu Feng, still stood in that dark cavity, although the whole body is dark, but he is not dark, on the contrary he is very great.
Lightning Armour, is surging, Lightning Wings is also fluttering, Chu Feng is a god of thunder, every action and every movement is noticeable, the imposing manner is extraordinary.
„First Rank Half Emperor, cultivation of Chu Feng is, unexpectedly is also First Rank Half Emperor, he really hid cultivation is.” The people have been shocked, because cultivation of this moment Chu Feng is, is First Rank Half Emperor.
„It is not right, I hear Chu Feng to have the special method, can promote two to repair is, that Lightning Armour and Lightning Wings, are that method, since at present his cultivation for is First Rank Half Emperor, his reality cultivation is, should be Eight Rank Martial King.” Also there are to understand that the Chu Feng person, explained.
At this moment, under the gaze of people, discussed that was rumbled the smashing by Chu Feng, changed to dark void, started to heal, reorganization.
But Chu Feng Lightning Armour, as well as Lightning Wings, dissipates.
At this moment, cultivation of Chu Feng is, stayed in Eight Rank Martial King, Chu Feng has not concealed again, because has exposed, does not need to conceal again, but Eight Rank Martial King, indeed is his present repaired is really.
However the Chu Feng strength, can actually be a worthy opponent with true Fourth Rank Half Emperor, this is not Chu Feng thinks that but in formerly, in just, C