Merriam (1988) comments that there is no standard format for reporting case study research. Unquestionably, some case studies generate theory, some are simply descriptions of cases, and others are more analytical in nature and display cross-case or inter-site comparisons, In this study, although the authors do not describe the design they use to report the results, it can be concluded that the embedded (multiple units of analysis) design (Creswell, 1998) is employed. The embedded design starts with an examination of subunits and allows for the detailed. Perspective should the questions begin to shift and change during fieldwork. The authors attempt to build abstractions across the five sites in their multicase study. That is, they build a general explanation that fits each of the individual cases. In other words, they describe the context and setting for the study form a broader picture to a narrower one. By mentioning that it is this variation in details that prompts them to write each assertion in a way that focuses primarily on Dera’s class, the authors acknowledge that this is because one of the cases