In the weeks to come, spectacular changes are going to turn your whole life around. I therefore must advise extreme caution because it would be dangerous to ignore this warning of destiny.
This is why, without waiting for your permission, I have attempted to find out more and therefore I performed for you, Ellen a string of Mystical Beneficial Occult Aid Ceremonials.
I must take very substantial risks if I am to continue. But I am willing to accept them because I want to save you from the traps you could fall into if you do nothing about the decisive mysterious events shaping up ahead of you.
This is why, Ellen I must ask for your permission to continue for you this challenging string of Mystical Ceremonials, for I want you to take advantage of the countless lucky opportunities offered by these decisive mysterious events that are about to make their way into your life. I have envisioned them happening to you no later than in the coming weeks.
When it comes to the happiness of the people who are dear to me, I never hesitate to do whatever it takes, even when I have to run very serious risks. This is what I am prepared to do for you as soon as I have your permission.
Indeed, I have commenced especially for you this long string of Mystical Ceremonials so you can immediately take advantage of the flood of beneficial opportunities that life is about to bestow upon you.
Believe me, I simply had to do it, there was no other way. If I am determined to continue for you these very complex and dangerous Occult Ceremonials, it is because I sense that something new and very special (even dangerous) may happen in your life very soon.
Indeed, these Mystical Beneficial Occult Aid Ceremonials gave me an insight into your life. Most importantly, I had a very precise vision of your near future and I was able to shed light on some of its obscure and unknown aspects. I also had a succession of visions that helped me find the true answers to the questions I had been having about you (you yourself have certainly been asking these questions about your life and your future).
The danger with this kind of ceremonials, besides demanding intense concentration and a tremendous amount of energy, is that I may find myself stuck in your past or in your future and never be able to return to the present. This is the reason why this particular technique is used only on very rare occasions, and only when it is truly worth the cause. And it was essential that I performed this ceremonial for you as soon as possible.
But now, all danger seems to have gone away, not only because I was able to return unimpeded from this first insight I performed into your life, but particularly since I was able to visualize a few capital images that cast a broad light on your past as well as your future.
The first of these images came from your fairly distant past, and the others from your near future, where tremendous beneficial changes are awaiting you. Yes, Ellen I can tell you the exact cause of your present problems and, above all, I can say that we are able to act so that luck, love, and money triumph in your life. I think this is very important for your future, and I think this is particularly important to you!
But before saying anything else, I must absolutely tell you something else about yourself and reveal certain hidden aspects of your past that led you to the difficult life you are living today, for it is true that all your hardships today come from your past.
If, above everything else, I am insisting on your past, it is because a life-changing negative event happened then. It is paramount that we diminish the power of this wicked incident and relieve you of the psychological pressure you are suffering today.
I have perceived that this negative event occurred on the day of your 13th birthday. I don’t know whether you can recall it. You were among your family and you thought everyone was your friend. One of those people, jealous at you and your family, acted very rashly and inflicted a very deep wound on your soul. However, at the time, you tried to forget the incident and put it behind you. But it never went away; it left a deep imprint in your memory and it is very likely one of the main reasons behind your problems today!
Indeed, since your 13th birthday your personality has changed. Today you are a different person than before that evil incident. Anxiety has taken the upper hand in your soul, once filled with energy and joy. Your passionate nature, your immense sensitivity have been impounding on your relationships with the others. Some people know your weak points all too well, they often use them and sometimes abuse them.
If I am taking the liberty to tell you all of this, it is because I truly want to help you find true Happiness as fast as possible. Your behavior today is full of contrasts. You easily slip from calm to impulsive behavior, your sharp reactions are followed by moments of great sorrow. When this happens, it seriously affects you and you think no one can truly understand you.
Moreover, today I sense that you are even more vulnerable and isolated from everyone. I perceive a high level of stress and a lot of apathy. You are filled with doubts and you are convinced you will never find a way out.
All these negative thoughts are your worst enemies, as they quietly maintain this unhealthy climate that is corroding your existence minute after minute and chokes one after another your every chance of success.
Because chance has often tried to make its way into your life, as I have been able to see for myself during the first Mystical Beneficial Occult Ceremonial which I have performed for you.
Yes, Ellen tremendous opportunities have been offered to you in those proposals you chose to refuse. Your anguish, your doubts and your fear have been preventing you from clearly seeing your chances and knowing how to seize each opportunity as it arises.
This is why I have sensed that I absolutely had to provide you with powerful and sustained help.
It is crucial that I can continue this string of Mystical Ceremonials which I have initiated.
I can confirm right now – the spectacular changes that are about to turn over your life are definitely going to come before you. I will show you the best way to seize them and thus secure the happiness you deserve and are entitled to.
Yes, Ellen this path genuinely exists, I have seen it, and I will be able to show it to you.
But to do that, we must act together now, otherwise you may take the wrong turn and lose sight of love, luck and Happiness. This is exactly what happened in your life before.
Yes, Ellen I have seen very clearly the decisive events that are about to happen in your existence. In fact, they are going to improve virtually all aspects of your life, including money and feelings (love, relationships, friendship...). But before going any further, I must also reveal to you certain things that are particularly important for you.
It is true: as I traveled through your past, I became aware that often in your life you took the wrong course, especially during these latest years, when you have accumulated a lot of failures and deceptions. Largely this happened because of this one negative event that has always distressed you in your life. I have seen you in something that resembled a labyrinth, unable to find a way out. You were running in circles, unknowing which course to take, you were confused and run down. However, I know for a fact that you can find a way out, for I know which course you should take to escape from this labyrinth.
But remember, Ellen if indeed you wish to escape from this wicked place, you must not let your hesitations and doubts take the upper hand in your life again. This is just what happened recently. If you do that, you will lose any bearing whatsoever. You must take very determined steps if you are to succeed.
I know you have your doubts, but you are not responsible in the very least for this situation. Your repeated failures have brought you to the point when you doubt everything, including yourself. Today you must take a decisive step and charge ahead, without letting your doubts and anxiety act for you.
Answer this frankly: have your doubts, your anguish and your fear ever helped you solve a problem? I intend to help you so you no longer walk with your eyes tied, so your opportunities eventually shine before you in full light! Because, believe me, you must carefully look in front of you, otherwise you might miss the straight path leading towards success, accomplishments and money. Even worse, you could get lost forever in this immense labyrinth! And, as a blind man, without a clue where to go, you would be completely run down. Therefore, to help you stand up to this challenge and clearly see ahead of you, I have prepared especially for you a Personal Confidential Questionnaire.
Let me know about your most urgent problems (feelings, money, relationships), let me know what major changes you hope to accomplish in your life (a gambling win, an interesting encounter, a new situation...) and about anything else that you desire!
As soon as I receive your Confidential Personal Questionnaire, I will be able to continue the Mystical Beneficial Occult Ceremonials.
And you are about to witness spectacular changeovers happening in your life
- First of all, you will find that people you see every day, who haven’t been paying the slightest attention to you, will start looking at you differently...
- Then, you will notice better luck in anything you do. You will succeed in things where you used to fail before. This is going to be the first sign that the course we have taken is beginning to bear fruit.
- Just weeks afterwards, I would encourage you to buy a lottery ticket to test your new LUCK. But don’t do anything within the first 15 days, because it is then that I am going to perform something very special for you. I am going to take a