Step 1
Speak to the parties involved in a private setting. Set up a meeting during a quiet time of your day where you have the ability to hold all calls and turn off your cell phone.
Step 2
Allow the parties involved to speak uninterrupted. Sometimes conflict can be resolved by just allowing the person to vent. After each person has finished speaking, repeat what she has said back and ask any clarifying questions.
Related Reading: Does Conflict Contribute to Effective Decision-Making in the Workplace?
Step 3
Focus on specifics of the conflict and avoid generalizing problems. For instance, if the meeting was called due to an employee not respecting his manager, cite specific incidences of his insubordination.
Step 4
Use "I" and "we" to discuss the problems. Make sure the employee feels she is not being targeted by using many "you" statements.
Step 5
Develop a plan to work out the conflict as a team. If you are dealing with multiple issues, focus on the most pressing problem. For instance, in the case that the conflict stems from two employees not getting along, present the option of moving them to different departments. Once all parties agree, follow through with the plan.
Step 6
Move the conflict to an arbitration session with a human resources official if it's not resolved during your initial meeting. Give all parties copies of company policies and point out any violations of these policies. A human resources representative should be present if you decide to take any negative action against the employees, such as suspension or termination.