Flags and Community Moderation
craigslist users self-publish tens of millions of free postings each month, subject to the CL terms of use (TOU).
CL users flag postings they find inappropriate via the "prohibited" link at the top of each posting.
Free classified ads sufficiently flagged are subject to automated removal.
Flagged forums postings and paid classified ads are subject to further review.
Postings may also be flagged for removal by CL staff or CL automated systems.
Millions of ads are removed by flagging monthly, nearly all of which violate the CL terms of use.
Of course no moderation system is perfect, and a small percentage of ads removed are compliant.
Flagged postings that comply with the TOU may be reposted, reworded as necessary.
For help from CL users regarding flagging, visit flag help forum, and follow the instructions there.
Funny or memorable postings may be nominated for "best of craigslist" via the "best-of" link.