5. Give Yourself a Thorough Inspection Down There
Logically, you know your vulva doesn’t look any different that the last time you looked at it but well, you just have to give it once over all the same.
6. Prep a Playlist
Are you going to leave your sexy time tunes up to the shuffle gods? Didn’t think so, the only way to control the ambiance, is to create it yourself.
7. Pee, Obviously
We don’t want any accidents. Or discomfort.
8. Guard What You Eat All Day Pre-Sex
If you think you might get lucky that night, you’ll avoid gas inducing and high sodium foods. Oh, and garlic. This is pretty much mandatory for creating peace.
9. Do Smell Checks Everywhere
Catching whiff of your armpits while getting undressed is an under appreciated art form. You, you are a master.