„Good, took our cultivation as in any case, perhaps cannot add on too big busy with the past, you were more careful.”
Han Yan has patted the shoulder of Jiang Chen.
„Relax, you do not need to worry that this boy, kills his person that many, he to the present also live well.”
Big Yellow Dog curls the lip saying that throws down oneself solitarily bygone days Wonsan before Jiang Chen is very discontented, since continuously, he and Jiang Chen may be the same places.
„Right, words that must worry about, worried for that two big talent.”
Nangong Wen Tian smiled, he too understood the Jiang Chen method, if competed the pure strength, Jiang Chen and that two big talent perhaps were equally matched, but in the Jiang Chen hand that Tiansheng Sword, was actually the genuine god soldier sharp weapon, two big talent unions also not necessarily can resist, perhaps as for that unescapable net Formation, Jiang Chen also had the means to deal with.
Afterward, several people separate from each other thoroughly, Han Yan several people turned around the city, prepared to go to Martial Palace, but the Jiang Chen choice remained.
„That Jiang Chen face also is really big, let a Shangguan Qing and profound jade such talent unexpectedly joins up to cope with him, was this itself one type is honored?”
„Is honored, this is brings death to be good, if such face I do not want.”
„That Jiang Chen also is really flamboyant, has killed Shangguan Clan and Ten Thousand Sword Sect that many talents, so guts, perhaps also only then his Jiang Chen has . Moreover, I also heard that Jiang Chen almost links current dynasty the crown princes of ten emperor masters killing on the same day, truly is a ruthless person.”
Everywhere is related Jiang Chen the sounds of discussion, the war of this Iceland, was Jiang Chen has praised thoroughly, the sword state two big influences issued must kill the command, Shangguan Yiqing and profound jade jointly sponsored the sky net meeting, advanced a peak degree the Jiang Chen fame, becomes existence that was known to everybody to be known to everybody.
Jiang Chen all these smiles in the ear, a faintness of face, his stride arrives at a member near, is smiling asking: „This brother, how does day Wonsan walk?”
Hears some people to go to day Wonsan, many people looked immediately, before this time, bygone days Wonsan, definitely was the talent character, because Shangguan Yiqing and profound jade child invitation was the talent of younger generation.
„This little brother, does not know that what can go to day Wonsan to make? At this time day Wonsan was not peaceful.”
The member looks surprisedly to Jiang Chen.
„I wanted to attend on that day the net meeting, but I was not quite familiar with the terrain of sword state, but also asked the brother to give a reminder.”
Jiang Chen was saying, the palm turns, hands over Medicine Pill directly, the member lowers the head looked that immediately had a scare, this unexpectedly is Earth Yuan Pill.
The member certainly Earth Yuan Pill overtook from the Jiang Chen hand by the thunderclap immediately, looked that to is different, this youth who the Jiang Chen look instantaneously changes was extravagant too, asked merely a road gave Earth Yuan Pill, that was 10,000 Mortal Yuan Pill.
Quack, own luck was too good, must go against heaven's will simply.
„Little brother, since you get rid so extravagantly, I accompany you to walk, leads you to go to day Wonsan personally, the terrain I am familiar.”
The member strikes one's chest saying that Earth Yuan Pill makes him to Jiang Chen very warm sufficiently, before not hesitating leaving to bring Jiang Chen, personally bygone days Wonsan, happen to also while convenient watched a next that day network meeting.