In response these concerns, Houghton and Yoho(2005) have recently presented a leadership comprehensive contingency model that specifies when and under what circumstances self leadership should be encouraged by The organizational leaders. The model suggests that certain key contingency factors, including follower development situational urgency and task structure, dictate which of several leadership approaches, including directive, transactional, transformational and empowering, should be chosen. Each specific leadership approach in turn results in a specific combination of predictable outcomes, which include the level of follower involvement, dependence, creativity and psychological empowerment. Along the same lines, Yun et al. (2006) present an alternative contingency model of leadership in which the interaction between the leadership approach and follower need for autonomy can influence subsequent follower self leadership. The results of their study support the view that specific attributes of the follower can be an important element within a contingency view of leadership.