I've strayed away from political posts for the last few months, but tonight I feel the need to put my opinion forward. Megan and I, looking to celebrate after her first day at work, were at a local bar tonight when a German man who was obviously too drunk, introduced himself to us. We politely introduced ourselves and continued our previous conversation. Throughout the night, however, he continually interrupted us to say how beautiful she was and at one point grabbed her hand (for at least a minute), kissed it, and continued to hold it and fondle it. Afterward he continued his incessant comments (which were made for everyone to hear), so much so that other bar goers felt the need to shut him down. This made us extremely uncomfortable to the point that we left the bar. With Donald Trump's comments coming to light recently, I felt it extremely pertinent to write this post. Most women I know could give a testimony about similar things having happened to them. Personally, I was raised almost solely by strong women and was taught to respect them, to revere them as my superiors. But what is so often forgotten is that this type of behavior happens not just in America but around the world. So, please, don't say it's an American problem. It's a male problem--this mode of thought that we can 'have' whoever we want, that women want to be with us, want to devote their time to us just because we are 'men'. This mode of thought is so incredibly dangerous.
I fear for my country. I fear for this world. And most of all, I fear for the women I love (and all women for that matter) because no matter how strong or intelligent they are or how often or loudly they say NO, they will almost always be treated like objects instead of the endlessly resilient and strong PEOPLE they're constantly proven to be.