Place ALL the files and folders within the Enhanced Wasteland folder to your root Fallout 4 game directory.
This should be located at:"C:Program Files (x86)SteamSteamAppscommonFallout 4"
• Download the ENB .dll files from here:
Place both of the .dll files into your root Fallout 4 game directory.
• Run the game normally through the launcher and it should load with your new ReShade/ENB Preset.
• By default, this preset comes with the ENB Depth of Field effect turned on.
If you want to use the ReShade Depth of Field instead, go to the Default folder located in "ReShadePresetsDefault" and open up the 'Shaders_by_MartyMcFly.cfg' file. Next, scroll down to Line 67.
Where it says "#define USE_DEPTHOFFIELD 0 //[DOF] //-" Change the 0 to a 1 and Save the file.
This will TURN ON Depth of Field.
* ReShade Depth of Field will not work if you are wearing Power Armor. In order to experience Depth of Field while wearing Power Armor, you will need to disable the HUD through the Fallout 4 console. The console command to remove the HUD is 'tm' aka Toggle Menus.
• Want a 10 FPS increase with this preset? Disable Ambient Lighting. Go to the Default folder located in "ReShadePresetsDefault", open up Shaders_by_Ganossa.cfg and scroll down to Line 48. Where it says "#define USE_AMBIENT_LIGHT 1 //[AmbientLight] //-" Change the 1 to a 0 and Save the file.
This will disable the Ambient Lighting effect but increase the framerate.
• You can also disable SSAO which can be heavy on your framerate. To do this, open up 'enbseries.ini' and look under the [EFFECT] section. Next, change the 'EnableSSAO=true' variable to 'EnableSSAO=false' and Save the file.
This will disable the Screen Space Ambient Occlusion effect but increase the framerate.