Spend time with optimistic people. Optimism is infectious. Misery is also infectious. Which would you prefer? If you want to be infected by optimism, you should associate with people who can provide something of value. Look for the positives in other people too –– finding what is good in people and accentuating that will help more of it to flourish. Learn to compliment people around you. Here's how to spend more time with optimistic people: •Avoid people who sap your energy and motivation. If you can't avoid them, or don't want to, learn how not to let them get you down and keep your connection with them brief.
•Avoid dating anyone with a negative outlook, unless you really care about that person and want to change their thoughts. If you're already prone to negative thinking, you'll be falling into a trap.
•Connect with people who have many passions they call their own and want to share them with you. Passion -- and optimism -- is contagious.