3. Methods and materials3.1. Modeling on the relationship between the  translation - 3. Methods and materials3.1. Modeling on the relationship between the  Indonesian how to say

3. Methods and materials3.1. Modeli

3. Methods and materials
3.1. Modeling on the relationship between the responsible actors
and traceability system
In order to set up an efficient vegetable traceability system, the
first step is to define the user requirements for the vegetables
supply chain (Dannson et al., 2004). A system-level approach is
used to develop models for implementing the traceability system.
The user requirements of the traceability system are defined by the
UML Use Case Diagram Technique (Eriksson & Penker, 2000, pp.
17e57). The Use Case Diagrams are closely connected to scenarios.
A scenario is an example of what happens when someone interacts
with the system (Bechini et al., 2008). One of the most important
goals of defining the system requirements is to have synchronization
among the requirements of all the actors involved.
Use Case Diagrams demonstrate the relationship between the
responsible actors and traceability system. The observation of the
system by use case can help to understanding the most important
part of the system and meet users’ requirements and expectations
(Zhang, Feng, Xu, & Hu, 2011). By means of use cases, the function of
the system modules becomes clearer. Fig. 3 shows the consumer as
playing the key role in the Use Case Diagram:
Baseline information: The farmer will record in the system the
farming practices used for each specific vegetable. There will also
be recorded data such as the seed variety used, planting date,
chemical application, harvesting etc. For specialty crops will also be
needed the recording of organic practices information. The transporter
should be able to enter the transporting details used in the system. Depending on the transporting process, these may include
temperature, transporting time, distance, etc. The vendor should
enter the sales information, including weight, batch, variety, etc.
The inspectors should be able to provide data showing whether the
production complies with the food safety regulations or not,
including information on pesticide residues, heavy metal content,
moisture content, etc.
Processed information: All data will be uploaded into the system
and the demands received for them will be authenticated based on
the data stored in the system. For example, upon request, the
system should be able to provide data for supporting the organic
farming or processing practices. The system users (consumers)
should be able to find the information based on the data stored in
the system.

5. Conclusions and discussions
The implementation of a traceability system in the vegetable
supply chain is a complex task. The foundation for any possible
discussion about the development of this sort of systems is represented
by the taking-up of a generic data model for traceability.
Such a model has been suggested and expressed using UML,
describing its basic classes and the patterns used to represent the
lot behavior throughout the vegetable supply chain.
1) A series of UML diagrams were developed so as to represent
a method for modeling the product, process, and quality as well
as the transformation information by any link in the value
chain. All the traceability data captured must be linked to
a uniquely identified TU (Traceability Unit).
2) The system performs a real-time tracking of the process control
functions by using the UML modeling based on the accomplishment
of the vegetable processing information management
functions, thus making easier the quality improvement of
the processed products and reducing the product recall costs;
furthermore, the system successfully handles the whole
process of vegetable quality tracking and tracing and provides
rather detailed traceability records to consumers.
3) The system uses a powerful ASP.NET, ADO.NET technology with
theWindows2003 þ .NET Framework þ SQL Server 2005 service
platform. As a development tool, Visual Studio applies to developing
the B/S mode Web-based for processing the vegetables
quality and safety traceability system; the Web-mode system is
used to achieve a complete separation of codes and pages, thus
being improved the system development and maintenance
Compared with the traditional system, it achieves a crosscommunication
information flow between manager, worker and
consumer. The system testing and experiment evaluation proved to
be some effective vegetable quality management tools that lead to
maximization of the vegetable workflow monitoring and recording.
It effectively improves the probability of high quality and safety
during the production process through enabling constant monitoring
of the critical parameters in this process.
In order to achieve the traceability goals along the vegetable
supply chain, the businesses should focus both on internal and
chain traceability.
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3. metode dan bahan3.1. pemodelan pada hubungan antara para pelaku yang bertanggung jawabdan sistem keterlacakanUntuk menyiapkan sistem keterlacakan sayuran yang efisien,Langkah pertama adalah untuk menentukan kebutuhan pengguna untuk sayuranmenyediakan jaringan (Dannson et al., 2004). Pendekatan tingkat sistemdigunakan untuk mengembangkan model-model untuk menerapkan sistem penelusuran.Persyaratan sistem penelusuran pengguna didefinisikan olehUML Diagram kasus penggunaan teknik (Eriksson & Penker, 2000, pp.17e57). The penggunaan kasus diagram erat terhubung ke skenario.Skenario adalah contoh dari apa yang terjadi ketika seseorang berinteraksidengan sistem (Bechini et al., 2008). Salah satu yang paling pentingtujuan mendefinisikan persyaratan sistem akan memiliki sinkronisasiantara persyaratan semua aktor yang terlibat.Gunakan kasus diagram menunjukkan hubungan antaraaktor-aktor yang bertanggung jawab dan sistem penelusuran. Pengamatansistem oleh kasus penggunaan dapat membantu untuk memahami yang paling pentingBagian dari pengguna sistem dan memenuhi kebutuhan dan harapan(Zhang, Feng, Xu, & Hu, 2011). Melalui penggunaan kasus, fungsisistem modul menjadi jelas. Gambar 3 menunjukkan konsumen sebagaimemainkan peran kunci dalam penggunaan kasus Diagram:Informasi dasar: petani akan merekam dalam sistempraktek-praktek pertanian yang digunakan untuk setiap sayuran tertentu. Ada juga akanmenjadi rekaman data seperti berbagai benih digunakan, penanaman tanggal,aplikasi dengan kimia, panen dll. Untuk tanaman khusus juga akandiperlukan rekaman organik praktik informasi. Transporterharus dapat untuk memasukkan rincian pengangkut yang digunakan dalam sistem. Tergantung pada proses pengangkutan, ini mungkin termasuksuhu, mengangkut waktu, jarak, dll. Vendor harusmasukkan informasi penjualan, termasuk berat, batch, berbagai, dll.Para Inspektur harus mampu menyediakan data menunjukkan apakahproduksi sesuai dengan peraturan keamanan makanan atau tidak,termasuk informasi mengenai residu pestisida, logam berat konten,kadar air, dll.Diproses informasi: semua data akan di-upload ke dalam sistemdan tuntutan yang diterima bagi mereka akan diotentikasi berdasarkandata yang disimpan dalam sistem. Sebagai contoh, berdasarkan permintaan,sistem harus mampu menyediakan data untuk mendukung organikpertanian atau pengolahan praktek. Sistem pengguna (konsumen)harus mampu menemukan informasi berdasarkan data yang disimpan dalamsistem.5. kesimpulan dan diskusiPelaksanaan sistem penelusuran di sayuranrantai pasokan adalah tugas kompleks. Yayasan untuk kemungkinandiskusi tentang pengembangan sistem semacam ini diwakilioleh mengambil-up model data generik untuk ditelusuri.Seperti model telah menyarankan dan diekspresikan menggunakan UML,menggambarkan kelas dasar dan pola-pola yang digunakan untuk mewakililot behavior throughout the vegetable supply chain.1) A series of UML diagrams were developed so as to representa method for modeling the product, process, and quality as wellas the transformation information by any link in the valuechain. All the traceability data captured must be linked toa uniquely identified TU (Traceability Unit).2) The system performs a real-time tracking of the process controlfunctions by using the UML modeling based on the accomplishmentof the vegetable processing information managementfunctions, thus making easier the quality improvement ofthe processed products and reducing the product recall costs;furthermore, the system successfully handles the wholeprocess of vegetable quality tracking and tracing and providesrather detailed traceability records to consumers.3) The system uses a powerful ASP.NET, ADO.NET technology withtheWindows2003 þ .NET Framework þ SQL Server 2005 serviceplatform. As a development tool, Visual Studio applies to developingthe B/S mode Web-based for processing the vegetablesquality and safety traceability system; the Web-mode system isused to achieve a complete separation of codes and pages, thusbeing improved the system development and maintenanceefficiency.Compared with the traditional system, it achieves a crosscommunicationinformation flow between manager, worker andconsumer. The system testing and experiment evaluation proved tobe some effective vegetable quality management tools that lead tomaximization of the vegetable workflow monitoring and recording.It effectively improves the probability of high quality and safetyduring the production process through enabling constant monitoringof the critical parameters in this process.In order to achieve the traceability goals along the vegetablesupply chain, the businesses should focus both on internal andchain traceability.
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