21. Many people are very afraid of snakes. It is true that poisonous snakes can make you ill or even kill you, but there are actually very few posionous snakes. Most snakes are harmless. In fact, they usually are afraid of people. If you meet a snake in your garden, it will probably
22. When people began to try to create a "flying machine" in the eighteenth century, they used hot-air balloons. These ballons went up into the air but then could not be controlled. They went wherever the wind was blowing. The idea of a real flying machine remained a dream for a long time. That dream finally came true in 1903, when wilbur and Orville wright
23. In a traditional children's song, a star is compared to a "diamond in the sky." Some scientisrs are now sating that there mat be real diamonds among the stars of the universe. These diamonds are certaonly interesting for the scientists. However they are probably noy going to make anyoun rich, because
24. Exercising in your home may be good for your health, but it may not be good for your children. Each year, about 25,000 children in the United States are hurt by exercise equipment. The exercise bicycle is the most common cause of injury. Many children have lost a finger or a toe in the wheels of these bicycles. So if you have an exercise bicycle, you should
25. Long befor airplanes were invented, people wanted to be able to fly. Early scientists studied bird's wings to see how they worked. Then they built wings of feathers, but when they tried to fly they never