Shaolin TempleShaolin Temple, in the region of Song Mountain, Dengfeng translation - Shaolin TempleShaolin Temple, in the region of Song Mountain, Dengfeng Indonesian how to say

Shaolin TempleShaolin Temple, in th

Shaolin Temple
Shaolin Temple, in the region of Song Mountain, Dengfeng City, Henan Province, is reputed to be 'the Number One Temple under Heaven'. Included on UNESCO's World Cultural & Natural Heritage List in 2010, it is the cradle of the Chinese Zen Buddhism and the Shaolin Martial Arts such as Shaolin Cudgel. One can see wild flowers and pines on the mountain. With birds singing and a brook spattering, a beautiful scene full of life and vitality is revealed to the visitors.

Shaolin Temple embraces many exciting attractions, such as the Hall of Heavenly Kings (Tianwangdian), the Mahavira Hall (Daxiongbaodian), the Pagoda Forest, the Dharma Cave and the Martial Art Training Center. Visitors may follow the virtual guide about the Shaolin Temple.

First we see the Shanmen Hall. Hung on its top is a tablet reading 'Shaolin Temple'. The tablet was inscribed by the Emperor Kangxi (1622 - 1723) during the Qing Dynasty (1644 - 1911). Under the stairs of the hall crouches two stone lions made in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). The hall enshrines the Maitreya Buddha. Two sides of the corridor behind the hall's gate are paved with inscriptions on stone steles made during several different dynasties.

Next we arrive at the Hall of Heavenly Kings. The gate of the hall is guarded by two figures depicting Vajra (Buddhist warrior attendants). Inside the hall are figures of the Four Heavenly Kings who are responsible for inspecting peoples' behavior, helping the troubled, and blessing the people.

Then we come to the Mahavira Hall. The complex's center is right before your eyes. Both important celebrations and regular prayers are held here. 18 Buddhist Arhats stand along the eastern and the southern walls of the hall. Buddhas of the Middle, East and West are enshrined in this hall, respectively Sakyamuni Buddha, Pharmacist Buddha and Amitabha Buddha. Figures of Kingnaro (the founder of Shaolin Cudgel) and Dharma (the founder of Chinese Zen Buddhism) stand beside those three Buddhas, a placement which is very different from other Mahavira Halls. At the feet of the pillars in this Mahavira Hall are stone lions that are more than one meter (about 3.33 feet) high. On the ground there are about 50 small pits, 20 centimeters (about 7.87 inches) deep. It is said that they are the footprints left by monks when they practiced Shaolin Martial Arts.

Unexpectedly, we come to the Pagoda Forest, a graveyard for Buddhist dignitaries through the ages. On average, the pagodas are less than 15 meters (about 49 feet) high. The layer and the shape of a pagoda depend on many factors, such as one's Buddhist status, attainment and prestige during his lifetime. The Pagoda Forest here is the largest of China's pagoda complexes.

Outside the temple we continue walking to the northwest, and then we will take a look at two monasteries, named the Ancestor's Monastery and the Second Ancestor's Monastery. The first monastery is built by a Dharma's disciple to commemorate Dharma's
nine years of meditation in a cave. It has a big hall supported by 16 stone pillars on whose shafts are exquisitely carved warriors, dancing dragons and phoenixes. The second monastery is a nursing home of the second ancestor Huike who cut his left arm in order to show his sincerity to study Buddhism from Dharma. In front of the monastery are four springs created by Dharma to help Huike to fetch water easily. They are called 'Spring Zhuoxi' and each has its own distinctive flavor.

The cave we see next is the Dharma Cave. In this cave Dharma patiently faced the wall and meditated for 9 years. Finally, he reached the immortal spiritual state and created the Buddhist Zen. The cave is seven meters deep (about 23 feet) and three meters high (about 9.8 feet). Many stone inscriptions are carved on both its sides. There is a Meditating Stone in the cave. It is said Dharma's shadow was reflected upon the stone and embedded on it because of the long time of his meditation facing the wall. Unfortunately the stone was ruined during the war.

After passing the Dharma Cave, we come to the Buddhist Living Quarters for transient monks. It is on the south bank of the Shaoxi River opposite the temple. First built in 1512 of the Ming Dynasty, it was repaired in the Qing Dynasty. The quarters are noted for the simple and distinctive design. It collapsed in 1958 and then repaired in 1993.

The Shaolin Temple Wushu (Martial Arts) Training Center comes last. Its perfect scenery makes it an ideal place for practicing the Chinese Shaolin Kung Fu. Shaolin monks have been practicing Kung Fu for over 1,500 years. The system was invented by Dharma who taught the monks basic methods to improve their health and defend themselves. The Martial art performance shows the true Chinese Shaolin Kung Fu. For example, Tong Zi Gong, performed by teenagers, is a kind of martial art to train one's flexibility and strength.

In a word, Shaolin Temple is worthy of a visit. It will give you a better understanding of Chinese Buddhism and the Chinese martial arts.
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Results (Indonesian) 1: [Copy]
Shaolin TempleKuil-kuil Shaolin, di wilayah Gunung lagu, Dengfeng City, Henan Province, terkenal sebagai 'nomor satu Bait di bawah langit'. Disertakan pada UNESCO dunia budaya & daftar warisan alam pada tahun 2010, ianya buaian Buddhisme Zen Cina dan seni bela diri Shaolin seperti Shaolin gada. Orang dapat melihat bunga liar dan pinus di gunung. Dengan burung-burung yang bernyanyi dan Sungai spattering, pemandangan yang indah penuh dengan kehidupan dan vitalitas dinyatakan kepada para pengunjung.Kuil Shaolin mencakup banyak atraksi menarik, seperti Hall raja surgawi (Tianwangdian), Balai Mahavira (Daxiongbaodian), hutan Pagoda, gua Dharma dan pusat pelatihan seni bela diri. Pengunjung dapat mengikuti panduan virtual tentang Shaolin candi.Pertama kita melihat aula Shanmen. Tergantung di atas adalah tablet membaca 'Shaolin Temple'. Tablet tertulis oleh Kaisar Kangxi (1622-1723) selama Dinasti Qing (1644-1911). Di bawah tangga Hall crouches dua singa batu yang dibuat dalam Dinasti Ming (1368-1644). Aula kerangkat Maitreya Buddha. Dua sisi koridor di belakang lorong 's gate beraspal dengan inskripsi pada batu ukiran yang dibuat selama beberapa Dinasti yang berbeda.Selanjutnya kita akan tiba di Hall raja surgawi. Pintu gerbang pelataran Balai ini dijaga oleh dua tokoh menggambarkan Vajra (Buddha prajurit penjawab). Di dalam pendopo adalah tokoh-tokoh empat raja surgawi yang bertanggung jawab untuk memeriksa perilaku masyarakat, membantu bermasalah, dan berkat orang-orang. Then we come to the Mahavira Hall. The complex's center is right before your eyes. Both important celebrations and regular prayers are held here. 18 Buddhist Arhats stand along the eastern and the southern walls of the hall. Buddhas of the Middle, East and West are enshrined in this hall, respectively Sakyamuni Buddha, Pharmacist Buddha and Amitabha Buddha. Figures of Kingnaro (the founder of Shaolin Cudgel) and Dharma (the founder of Chinese Zen Buddhism) stand beside those three Buddhas, a placement which is very different from other Mahavira Halls. At the feet of the pillars in this Mahavira Hall are stone lions that are more than one meter (about 3.33 feet) high. On the ground there are about 50 small pits, 20 centimeters (about 7.87 inches) deep. It is said that they are the footprints left by monks when they practiced Shaolin Martial Arts.Unexpectedly, we come to the Pagoda Forest, a graveyard for Buddhist dignitaries through the ages. On average, the pagodas are less than 15 meters (about 49 feet) high. The layer and the shape of a pagoda depend on many factors, such as one's Buddhist status, attainment and prestige during his lifetime. The Pagoda Forest here is the largest of China's pagoda complexes.Outside the temple we continue walking to the northwest, and then we will take a look at two monasteries, named the Ancestor's Monastery and the Second Ancestor's Monastery. The first monastery is built by a Dharma's disciple to commemorate Dharma'snine years of meditation in a cave. It has a big hall supported by 16 stone pillars on whose shafts are exquisitely carved warriors, dancing dragons and phoenixes. The second monastery is a nursing home of the second ancestor Huike who cut his left arm in order to show his sincerity to study Buddhism from Dharma. In front of the monastery are four springs created by Dharma to help Huike to fetch water easily. They are called 'Spring Zhuoxi' and each has its own distinctive flavor.The cave we see next is the Dharma Cave. In this cave Dharma patiently faced the wall and meditated for 9 years. Finally, he reached the immortal spiritual state and created the Buddhist Zen. The cave is seven meters deep (about 23 feet) and three meters high (about 9.8 feet). Many stone inscriptions are carved on both its sides. There is a Meditating Stone in the cave. It is said Dharma's shadow was reflected upon the stone and embedded on it because of the long time of his meditation facing the wall. Unfortunately the stone was ruined during the war.After passing the Dharma Cave, we come to the Buddhist Living Quarters for transient monks. It is on the south bank of the Shaoxi River opposite the temple. First built in 1512 of the Ming Dynasty, it was repaired in the Qing Dynasty. The quarters are noted for the simple and distinctive design. It collapsed in 1958 and then repaired in 1993.The Shaolin Temple Wushu (Martial Arts) Training Center comes last. Its perfect scenery makes it an ideal place for practicing the Chinese Shaolin Kung Fu. Shaolin monks have been practicing Kung Fu for over 1,500 years. The system was invented by Dharma who taught the monks basic methods to improve their health and defend themselves. The Martial art performance shows the true Chinese Shaolin Kung Fu. For example, Tong Zi Gong, performed by teenagers, is a kind of martial art to train one's flexibility and strength.In a word, Shaolin Temple is worthy of a visit. It will give you a better understanding of Chinese Buddhism and the Chinese martial arts.
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Results (Indonesian) 2:[Copy]

Shaolin Temple
Shaolin Temple, di wilayah Song Gunung, Dengfeng City, Provinsi Henan, adalah terkenal untuk menjadi 'Satu Temple Nomor bawah Surga'. Termasuk di Dunia UNESCO Budaya & Warisan Alam Daftar pada tahun 2010, itu adalah tempat lahir Cina Zen Buddhisme dan Shaolin Martial Arts seperti Shaolin Cudgel. Satu dapat melihat bunga-bunga liar dan pohon-pohon pinus di gunung. Dengan burung bernyanyi dan percikan sungai, pemandangan yang indah penuh dengan kehidupan dan vitalitas diturunkan pengunjung. Shaolin Temple mencakup banyak atraksi menarik, seperti Hall of Heavenly Kings (Tianwangdian), yang Mahavira Hall (Daxiongbaodian), Pagoda Forest , Gua Dharma dan Training Center Martial Art. Pengunjung dapat mengikuti panduan maya tentang Kuil Shaolin. Pertama kita melihat Shanmen Hall. Hung di atas adalah tablet membaca 'Shaolin Temple'. Tablet itu tertulis oleh Kaisar Kangxi (1622 - 1723) pada masa Dinasti Qing (1644-1911). Bawah tangga lorong membungkuk dua singa batu yang dibuat pada Dinasti Ming (1368-1644). Aula mengabadikan Buddha Maitreya. Dua sisi koridor di belakang gerbang aula ini yang diaspal dengan tulisan di steles batu dilakukan selama beberapa dinasti yang berbeda. Berikutnya kita sampai di Aula Heavenly Kings. Pintu gerbang aula dijaga oleh dua tokoh yang menggambarkan Vajra (petugas prajurit Buddha). Di dalam aula adalah tokoh dari Empat Raja Langit yang bertanggung jawab untuk memeriksa perilaku masyarakat, membantu bermasalah, dan memberkati orang-orang. Lalu kami datang ke Mahavira Hall. Pusat kompleks adalah tepat di depan mata Anda. Kedua perayaan penting dan doa rutin diadakan di sini. 18 Buddha Arhat berdiri di sepanjang timur dan dinding selatan aula. Buddha dari Tengah, Timur dan Barat yang diabadikan di aula ini, masing-masing Sakyamuni Buddha, Apoteker Buddha dan Buddha Amitabha. Angka dari Kingnaro (pendiri Shaolin Cudgel) dan Dharma (pendiri Cina Zen Buddhisme) berdiri di samping ketiga Buddha, penempatan yang sangat berbeda dari Halls Mahavira lainnya. Di kaki pilar dalam Mahavira Hall singa batu yang lebih dari satu meter (sekitar 3,33 kaki) tinggi. Di tanah ada sekitar 50 lubang kecil, 20 cm (sekitar 7,87 inci) yang mendalam. Dikatakan bahwa mereka adalah jejak kaki yang ditinggalkan oleh biarawan ketika mereka berlatih Shaolin Martial Arts. Tanpa diduga, kami datang ke Pagoda Forest, kuburan bagi pejabat Buddha melalui usia. Rata-rata, pagoda kurang dari 15 meter (sekitar 49 kaki) tinggi. Lapisan dan bentuk pagoda tergantung pada banyak faktor, seperti seseorang Buddha status, pencapaian dan prestise selama hidupnya. Pagoda Forest di sini adalah yang terbesar dari kompleks pagoda China. Di luar kuil kami terus berjalan ke barat laut, dan kemudian kita akan melihat pada dua biara, bernama Biara Leluhur dan Biara Leluhur Kedua. Biara pertama dibangun oleh seorang murid Dharma untuk memperingati Dharma sembilan tahun meditasi di sebuah gua. Memiliki aula besar yang didukung oleh 16 pilar batu pada poros yang adalah prajurit diukir indah, menari naga dan burung phoenix. Biara kedua adalah sebuah panti jompo dari leluhur kedua Huike yang memotong lengan kirinya untuk menunjukkan kesungguhannya untuk belajar agama Buddha dari Dharma. Di depan biara empat mata air yang diciptakan oleh Dharma untuk membantu Huike untuk mengambil air dengan mudah. Mereka disebut 'Musim Semi Zhuoxi' dan masing-masing memiliki rasa tersendiri. Gua kita lihat selanjutnya adalah Dharma Gua. Dalam gua ini Dharma sabar menghadapi dinding dan bermeditasi selama 9 tahun. Akhirnya, ia mencapai keadaan spiritual abadi dan menciptakan Budha Zen. Gua tujuh meter (sekitar 23 kaki) dan tiga meter (sekitar 9,8 kaki). Banyak prasasti batu yang diukir pada kedua sisinya. Ada Bermeditasi Batu di dalam gua. Dikatakan bayangan Dharma tercermin pada batu dan tertanam di atasnya karena lama meditasi nya menghadap dinding. Sayangnya batu itu hancur selama perang. Setelah melewati Dharma Cave, kita sampai pada Buddha Hidup Quarters untuk biarawan sementara. Hal ini di tepi selatan Sungai Shaoxi berlawanan candi. Pertama dibangun tahun 1512 dari Dinasti Ming, itu diperbaiki pada Dinasti Qing. Kuartal dicatat untuk desain yang sederhana dan khas. Ini runtuh pada tahun 1958 dan kemudian diperbaiki pada tahun 1993. The Shaolin Temple Wushu (Martial Arts) Training Center datang terakhir. Pemandangan yang sempurna membuat tempat yang ideal untuk berlatih Cina Shaolin Kung Fu. Biarawan Shaolin telah berlatih Kung Fu selama lebih dari 1.500 tahun. Sistem ini diciptakan oleh Dharma yang mengajarkan metode dasar para biarawan untuk meningkatkan kesehatan mereka dan membela diri. The Martial performance art menunjukkan benar Cina Shaolin Kung Fu. Misalnya, Tong Zi Gong, yang dilakukan oleh remaja, adalah jenis seni bela diri untuk melatih fleksibilitas dan kekuatan seseorang. Dalam kata, Shaolin Temple layak dikunjungi. Ini akan memberi Anda pemahaman yang lebih baik dari Cina Buddhisme dan seni bela diri Cina.

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