The end of the year looms……….
We are going to need to get the December payroll in to here in good time, so that we can try to get the salary payroll paid out before the bank holidays etc.
As we also now have to get approval from Bangkok on every OTS payroll, then this also adds a delay in to the process, especially for next month, due to the ATO payout, which, I’m Sure, will mean lots of questions from Bangkok that I’ll have to answer prior to their approval.
Therefore, please do try to get this all to Nichy by the 15th or 16th AM, so that we have the week to sort it.
Please also make sure that the timesheets are sent by then as well, as these will be used to calculate the ATO numbers.
Pass this on to your opposite number if they are to do the payroll.
Best Regards,
Matthew Drewry.
Fleet Director.