Good Afternoon Team Asia,
As discussed on yesterday’s call, to ensure you all get some quality time and we still maintain the updates. You will find attached the update sheet for the weekends, this sheet needs to be sent across at the relevant by the Manager in Charge (MIC).
It’s pretty self-explanatory but key thinks to note:
a) COM Column: This is the commitments for the day, this needs to be completed by you the GM’s (Big C – Bee, Nana & Andy) on a Friday – Today & sent across before 6pm weekly.
b) You should then fully brief the MIC so they are clear and aware of the weekend commitments.
c) This should then be completed by each MIC & sent across at the detailed times.
d) One MIC shall be picked each weekend & there role will be to collate all the information onto one document & then send out to Mark, Myself & GM Asia via Email.
Kindly please read through and complete or ask me now if you have any questions, please also nominate your MIC if you feel they are responsible enough to take the strategic role of collating & notifying.
If you have read & understand this email please email me back with your nominee & completed sheet.
Thank You Steve