Most of us find it hard to be assertive in certain situations.
This can be a particular problem at work.
You might be afraid of offending colleagues,or possibly even losing your job if you don't do everything you are asked to.
However,being assertive can actually help you become a more effective employee if you do it in the right way.
There are a few simple things you can do to be more assertive:
Be assertive in meetings.
Part of this is your body language.
Sit or stand in a confident,relaxed way and look at people when you are talking to them.
Make sure your voice is calm and clear.
Liten to others,but make sure your voice is hard,too.
Use assertive language with colleagues.
Remember that everyone has the right to say "no," even at work and even to a superior.
lf necessary, explain why in a clam,polite way.
Use sentences that start with I...and explain how you feel and what you want.
Manage other people with clear explanations.
When you need someone to do something for you,explain what clearly.
lf necessary, repeat yourself, maybe using different words.
Check the other person's understanding,and welcome any suggestions he or she makes.
Manage clients carefully and assertively.
When you are dealing with cliens or customers,particulary ones who are not happy with your service,show that you understand their problems.
Try to avoid saying what you can't do and focus more on what you can do.
Clearly explain the advantages of any sugestions you have.