Information is the vital component for the decision making. In fact the success or failure of decision rests on the information on hand. Situation in which a manager have full information regarding the problem is available is called certainty (for example what revenue Tesco will earn from the sales of Fairy washing powder if the price is increased by 10%) and where the range of information is neither perfect and neither imperfect it is called risky decision making (for example what revenue the organization will earn if it increase Fairy Washing Powder by 10% per unit) while the situation where the decision maker have no information regarding the problem on hand is called uncertainty (for example what revenue Tesco will be earning after 5 year from all the business the organization undertakes).
It means that the outcome of a decision (certainty, risk, and uncertainty) rests on the available information regarding a decision making situation. The chances of the success of decision increases as the manager have more and more information.