1. Improved Productivity
Motivated employees work more efficiently, producing better products or services in less time. Unmotivated employees waste time surfing the Web and using e-mail and instant messaging for personal benefit. They generally take longer to accomplish the tasks assigned. By keeping your employees motivated, you'll see improved productivity.
Better Employee Retention Rates
If your employees are motivated, you will be able to retain more of them. Every time you hire a new employee, you have to invest time getting that person up to speed on the job requirements, integrating that person into the workforce and figuring out exactly how that new person can contribute. Existing employees have a wealth of knowledge about your company and how projects work. They are also already accustomed to working with the other employees at your facility. By retaining employees, you save money and time.
Pleasant Work Environment
Motivated employees are happy employees. Better morale is contagious; it leads to a pleasant work environment and better productivity. All this means a better workday for everyone.