The arm is equipped with a spring balance that makes it possible to swing the arm from a vertical to a horizontal position in a single movement. The extraction arms are individually, fully automatically controlled with infrared sensors at the entrance of each welding cabin. It was a carefully considered decision to equip each extraction arm with its own automatic valve so that when the extraction arm is switched on the automatic valve opens and the fan speed increases. This gets the students in the habit of using the welding fume extraction system and also makes this process extremely energy efficient.
In addition to these welding cabins there are also ten detached workstations. Of these, two workstations are equipped with T-Flex extraction arms and the remaining eight each have an UltraFlex-4 extraction arm. These detached workstations are suitable for the larger work pieces that will not fit in the welding cabins. The UltaFlex-4 extraction arms, with a range of four meters, were chosen to further expand the possibilities for working on large projects.