Mr. Nuttawut earned a Bachelor of Laws (Second Class Hons.), and the Certificate on Business Law from Thammasat University. He has been working as a lawyer and litigator since his graduation. In 1982, Mr. Nuttawut founded Natipatana Law Office. Today, having over 30 years of thorough experiences, Mr. Nuttawut not only serves the Managing Director of Natipatana, but also represents our clients as the leading counsel himself. Mr. Nuttawut has broad experiences of more than 1,000 cases. He has expertise in resolving commercial, corporate, administrative and labour dispute. In addition to his litigation career, Mr. Nuttawut was appointed as the Expert to the Senator and House of Representative. He also dedicates himself to Thailand’s legal education, wherein he was appointed as the Lecturer in Litigation at the Faculty of Law, Sripatum University and has served the duty for numbers of continuous years.