Bohrland statewide nuclear power plant operations management and engineering. Database and WWW, empowerment, cooperative learning groups to determine problems of interest, instructors as facilitators in locating resources students are interested in.
Curriculum organization: an integrated organization, student-centered. The database will be accessed as needed, based on interests and needs of learners. The approach Bohrland has taken is to rely upon the richness of resources and the power of technology along with innate wisdom of employees to always seek out and get the information they need. (!)
Context: Resources appear available (rather unbelievable, but that’s what is implied). Other context factors….(?)
Learners: Employees, many of them particularly the scientists and engineers at higher levels, might really like this approach, it fitting well with their high prior knowledge, aptitudes, and other preferences. The approach might be less well-suited to the backgrounds of less-highly-educated personnel.
Task: The approach appears highly inappropriate to the learning tasks in this situation, because the learning tasks of nuclear power plant operations and engineering are highly critical (involve human safety in a widespread fashion). The learner-centered organization leaves too much to chance for these learning tasks.