To answer the given research question, qualitative methods would be most appropriate to find an answer. Literature on related topics suggests that qualitative methods are most appropriate (Badr & Acitelli, 2005; Berg & Upchurch, 2007; Chadda, 2014; Freeman & Couchonnal, 2006; Hamond & Schrodt, 2012; Ott Anderson & Geist Martin, 2003; Richardson et al., 2013). An ethnographic study should be used because as Keyton (2011) states, it “…allows the researcher to observe and understand how communication is generated and responded to in a particular context” (p. 300). This would aim to aid researchers’ in their quest to understand the relationship of participants who are ill in relation to their family members. This would involve a nonrandom sampling strategy to get the combination of characteristics needed for the study. Specifically, purposive sampling, to be able to get close and personal enough with the participants to have them share details about their personal lives.
This purposive sample depends upon researchers knowing what is typical and atypical of the populations they are studying. A sampling frame of an exhaustive list of chronic physical and mental illnesses will be created, and participants will be selected based on whether or not they, or someone in their immediate family, has one of the listed illnesses. The sample will be selected by going to local support groups for individuals with both mental and physical illnesses. A wide array of illnesses will be selected, and age will be as varied as possible. Participants who are selected will be contacted via e-mail or phone call to ask them to participate in the study.
Once participants respond and confirm their consent to take part in the study, the researcher will begin to go into the family home and talk to family members. Since ethnography is similar to a participant observation study, the researcher needs to build a relationship with the families being studied, especially with those who have the mental or physical illness, if possible, to assess the changes that have occurred in behavior since the diagnosis. Once trust is established, the researcher can come in and begin recording the conversations about the diagnosis time, and how participants felt. This data will be compared to stories from before the diagnosis period, for both mental and physical illness affected families. A list of operationalized concepts such as: love, affirmation, avoidance, and fear, will be created to classify the nonverbal actions towards the ill family member. Collecting both verbal and nonverbal accounts can give a better representation of the true behaviors of family members’ actions, both verbally and nonverbally towards the chronically ill family member. An analysis of the responses in relation to the stories around the diagnosis and before the diagnosis will be compared to the observed actions of the families in relation to the ill family member. Once this has been done for both chronic mental illness and chronic physical illness, the results will be cross analyzed to compare and contrast the different verbal and nonverbal communication styles. Using ethnography will allow for an in depth and lengthy analysis of these different families, and the effects of mental illnesses and physical illnesses on family communication.
Results (
Arabic) 1:
للإجابة على سؤال معين للبحث، سيكون الأساليب النوعية الأكثر ملاءمة للبحث عن إجابة. الأدب في مواضيع ذات صلة تشير إلى أن الأساليب النوعية هي أنسب (بدر & أسيتيلي، 2005؛ بيرغ & ابشيرش، 2007؛ شادى، 2014؛ فريمان & كوتشونال، 2006؛ هاموند & شرودت، عام 2012؛ أندرسون أوت و Geist مارتن، 2003؛ ريتشاردسون وآخرون، 2013). ينبغي أن تستخدم لدراسة اثنوغرافية للدول كيتون (2011)، أنه "....allows الباحث مراقبة وفهم كيف ولدت البلاغ ورد على في سياق معين" (ص 300). وهذا يهدف إلى مساعدة الباحثين في سعيهم لفهم العلاقة بين المشاركين الذين مريضا بالنسبة لأفراد الأسرة. وهذا يشمل استراتيجية نونراندوم أخذ عينات للحصول على مزيج الخصائص اللازمة للدراسة. على وجه التحديد، هادفاً أخذ العينات، ليتمكن من الحصول على وثيقة وشخصية مع المشاركين ليكون لهم ما يكفي من حصة تفاصيل عن حياتهم الشخصية. هذه العينة هادفاً يعتمد الباحثون معرفة ما هو نموذجي وغير نمطية للسكان كانوا يدرسون. سيتم إنشاء إطار أخذ عينات من قائمة حصرية للأمراض العقلية والبدنية المزمنة، وسيتم اختيار المشاركين استناداً إلى أم لا هم، أو أحد أفراد أسرهم المباشرة، قد واحدة من الأمراض المذكورة. وسيتم اختيار العينة بالذهاب إلى مجموعات الدعم المحلية للأفراد المصابين بالأمراض العقلية والجسدية على حد سواء. سيتم اختيار مجموعة واسعة من الأمراض، وسوف يكون عمر متنوعة قدر الإمكان. سيتم الاتصال بالمشاركين الذين يتم اختيارهم عن طريق البريد الإلكتروني أو هاتفيا ليطلب منهم المشاركة في الدراسة. Once participants respond and confirm their consent to take part in the study, the researcher will begin to go into the family home and talk to family members. Since ethnography is similar to a participant observation study, the researcher needs to build a relationship with the families being studied, especially with those who have the mental or physical illness, if possible, to assess the changes that have occurred in behavior since the diagnosis. Once trust is established, the researcher can come in and begin recording the conversations about the diagnosis time, and how participants felt. This data will be compared to stories from before the diagnosis period, for both mental and physical illness affected families. A list of operationalized concepts such as: love, affirmation, avoidance, and fear, will be created to classify the nonverbal actions towards the ill family member. Collecting both verbal and nonverbal accounts can give a better representation of the true behaviors of family members’ actions, both verbally and nonverbally towards the chronically ill family member. An analysis of the responses in relation to the stories around the diagnosis and before the diagnosis will be compared to the observed actions of the families in relation to the ill family member. Once this has been done for both chronic mental illness and chronic physical illness, the results will be cross analyzed to compare and contrast the different verbal and nonverbal communication styles. Using ethnography will allow for an in depth and lengthy analysis of these different families, and the effects of mental illnesses and physical illnesses on family communication.
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