Dear Teachers
Ms Ploy and I have met several times recently and I would like pass on some details from our conversations.
We are indeed fortunate that
Ms Ploy [Thunvarat (Ploy) Khamwinit ]
has had the benefit of Ms Phan's experience, in handing over this role during her transition
into what I am certain you will agree is a very demanding job.
Immigration processes and regulations are likely to change, at inconvenient times, as has been the case recently.
1 To assist in providing accurate information and guidelines to help make your immigration dealings a little
less frustrating Ms Ploy has decided to start work on preparing a handbook for teachers which she plans to update once in place.
This is not an easy task (some would say impossible) and will take some considerable time to complete.
(Please keep in mind that just because it is written in our handbook it doesn't mean Immigration officers can't change
or use a slightly different interpretation of the rules in some cases. They will tell us how it works, not the other way around.)
- If you recieve any important information during your trips to immigration please share with Ms Ploy who will then attempt details confirm with immigration.
2 To assist in preparation of 90 day reporting documents.
- Be aware that you must visit Ms Ploy's office to sign a power of attorney document to allow her to lodge your 90 day report on your behalf.
- Do this ASAP if you have not already done so.
- What is your 90 day reporting date? You are responsible for knowing this information
- Make sure you know your own passport, visa & critical dates etc
- Ms Ploy needs to photocopy your passport and have updated information as it occurs. If there is an update to your passport take it to her so she can copy changes.
- There is a 3week period around your reporting date that will allow Ms Ploy to report for you at the most convenient time (reporting for multiple teachers, perhaps once fortnightly or weekly)
- So the date she needs your passport could be 2 weeks before or 1 week after the reporting date.
3 To assist Ms Ploy in minimising her stress levels and maximising efficiency for you in Immigration matters.
- Please be respectful, polite, patient, kind, understanding (as I am sure you always are).
- If you have any up to date information from immigration share it with her, rather than only discuss over lunch break with a small group.
4 May all of your immigration challenges be minor and have easy solutions.
- If there are issues which may alter your status as a teacher in Thailand please inform Ms Ploy & also Ms Ann in HR
- Our staff are all here to help us so make sure they have up to date information, as it happens.
- Please don't blame our staff if you have frustrating immigration experiences, either directly or indirectly.
(imagine how much more difficult things could be without a central Immigration officer here to assist and guide us.