Results (
Indonesian) 1:
Kursus dalam information retrieval untuk mahasiswa S1Semua Perpustakaan Universitas 20 (100%) dan 56 63 merespons CAE Perpustakaan (89%) disediakan kursus dalam information retrieval / bibliografi instruksi / Perpustakaan instruksi cemara siswa mereka undergraduated. Sebagian besar program studi yang ditawarkan Namun, sangat pendek – dua jam atau kurang (Perpustakaan Universitas 16 dari 20 dan 45 dari 56 CAE Perpustakaan). Kursus terpanjang yang ditawarkan adalah 50 jam kursus musuh kimia mahasiswa di Universitas Griffith, Queensland. The use of computerized information retrieval is now being taught at a few institutions, either as a separate entity, or as part of a more general course on methods for finding information. At Monash University hargrave library and the Biomedical Library courses on computerized information retrieval are offered to undergraduates. At the Biomedical Library students will taught to use MEDLINE in connection with projects in paediatrics in experimental programme. The Australian national University gives one hour of instruction in computerized IR for some undergraduates. At Deakin University and James Cook university of North Queensland, this forms part of the general coursein information retrieval. Some university such as Sydney University and the University of New England provide short demonstrations on online onformation retrieval for undergraduates. At Macquarie University, NSW, the course in analytical chemistry for undergraduates contains a MEDLINE search session, and the 4th year chemistry honours course includes instrucyion in profile writing. Seven of the colleges of advanced education said that they provided formal courses in computerized information retrieval for undergraduate students. These courses were all of one hour’s duration, with one exception – the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology give a 6 hour course for undergraduates in applied chemistry and the health sciences. Other CAEs such State College provided instruction in profile writing. The CAEs most active in providing undergraduate instruction in online information retrieval were the Institutes of technology or Institutions teaching the health sciences.
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