. Greetings can be rather formal as they are meant to show respect.
. A handshake is the most common greeting accompanied with the word "Selamat".
. Many Indonesians may give a slight bow or place their hands on their heart after shaking your hand.
. If you are being introduced to several people, always start with the eldest or most senior person first.
. Titles are important in Indonesia as they signify status. If you know of any titles ensure you use them in conjunction with the name.
. Some Indonesians only have one name, although it is becoming more common for people to have a first name and a surname, especially in the middle class.
. Many Indonesians, especially those from Java, may have had an extremely long name, which was shortened into a sort of nickname for everyday conversation.
. There are several ethnic groups in Indonesia. Most have adopted Indonesian names over the years, while some retain the naming conventions of their ethnicity.