I'm getting old I'm in despair
I've found my first grey pubic hair (end rhyme)
I'm fast asleep by half past 10
I'm never gonna see my teens again.
It won't be long until I'm gone
When father time will have won
My pipe and slippers wait for me
It's, bingo, crib and cups of tea. (end rhyme)
I'm wearing beige, and a cardigan
The musics hell on radio one
I just think about vapour rubs
Saga magazines, and bowling clubs. (end rhyme)
I want to live till I'm 99
Where's it gone, this life of mine (end rhyme)
How can it be, that at 43
I think of retirement beside the sea. (end rhyme)
The downward spiral has begun
The musics hell on radio one (end rhyme)
The only thing, that's left to do
Is to tune my dial to radio two. (end rhyme)
(Alliteration and Internal rhyme)