„Do you know Tantai Xue?” Chu Feng asked.
„My I know.” Yan Gui does not dare to conceal.
„You may know that she is where now?” Chu Feng asked.
„Her she” Yan Gui somewhat hesitates, may say finally: „She in my Cursed Soil Sect.”
„In your Cursed Soil Sect? She is not your Cursed Soil Sect disciple, how in your Cursed Soil Sect? Was you have caught her?” Chu Feng Cold voice asked.
„Yes, she was held by the Headmaster teacher.” Yan Guihui said.
„Why can you catch her?” Chu Feng asked.
„She has not only stolen the spell calling back the soul of the deceased flute of Headmaster teacher, but also cuts to kill my four fellows, the Headmaster teacher naturally cannot let off her.” Yan Gui said.
Hears this words, the Chu Feng innermost feelings to tremble, who Tantai Xue is, Tantai Xue was initially with Jiang Qisha and others, arrives at Holy Land of Martialism that mystical female together.
Tantai Xue, once repeatedly had helped Chu Feng, has the obligation cardinal virtue to Chu Feng, original Chu Feng and Tantai Xue go to Holy Land of Martialism together, on road that does not want to come, presented the accident, cannot enter the incantation earth domain with Tantai Xue together, instead arrived at Azure Tree territory.
Therefore, Chu Feng has been worried about Tantai Xue very much, does not know that she returns to the incantation earth domain, whether safely.
But now listened to a Yan Gui such saying, Chu Feng naturally to be worried, obviously present Tantai Xue very not safely.
„You have not killed her, why doesn't kill?” Although, knew that Tantai Xue was grasped, but Chu Feng actually can also hear, Tantai Xue was grasped, at present has not been killed.
„Because, the spell calling back the soul of the deceased flute of my teacher, was hidden by her, before had not found the spell calling back the soul of the deceased flute, she was unable dead.” Yan Gui said.
„Spell calling back the soul of the deceased flute, is actually that what Thing?” Chu Feng asked.
„Is Incomplete Emperor Armament, my Cursed Soil Sect inheritance treasure.” Yan Gui said.
„If, Tantai Xue dies agree not saying that she hid the spell calling back the soul of the deceased flute where, you what to do?” Chu Feng asked.
„If she died did not say, then by the disposition of teacher, will make her live to might as well die, she will certainly say.” Yan Gui confessed completely truthfully that he does not dare to conceal, he was afraid Chu Feng to abandon his cultivation is.
„Ha Ha Ha good, good, Tantai Xue, cannot think that you have today.” Suddenly, Chu Feng laughs, smiles is happy, wild.
He is intentionally, Yan Gui and others was Cursed Soil Sect disciple, Chu Feng can abandon cultivation of their several disciple is, but actually cannot kill them , will otherwise cause the chaos, even caused Cyanwood Mountain and wars of Cursed Soil Sect two aloof influences.
To avoid fighting, Cyanwood Mountain hands over Chu Feng by Cursed Soil Sect handles, has the possibility very much.
Therefore, Chu Feng cannot kill Yan Gui they, since cannot kill them, Chu Feng also asked such issue, that unavoidably Yan Gui thinks.
So long as he thinks that will alert, if made him have the heart of alert, after going back, certainly will tell Cursed Soil Sect Headmaster, that may not be wonderful on the important matter, Tantai Xue either will be shifted, either will directly be killed.
In order to avoid these, Chu Feng intentionally laughs, he must mislead Yan Gui into thinking that Chu Feng and Tantai Xue are archenemies.
He inquired Tantai Xue, did not care about Tantai Xue, but wants to know that Tantai Xue did have dead.
As the matter stands, Yan Gui and others will not have the heart of alert, even they will not say with Headmaster that after all they disclosed the secret, if known by Headmaster, they must arrive at the big mildew.
„Brother Chu Feng, is it possible that you have the bitter hatred with that Tantai Xue.” Sure enough, Yan Gui was conquered by the Chu Feng performing skill, thought that Chu Feng is also the person of hatred Tantai Xue.
„Is very deep enmity, very big hate, but did not matter, so long as she crosses is not good, I felt relieved.”
„Looks, you and I have in the share of common enemy, I forgive your life today.”
During the Chu Feng speeches, the big sleeve wields, then has untied Xiangyun formation in that day, causes Yan Gui and others bound, finally was relieved.
After regaining the freedom, Yan Gui actually cannot come to a stop, but is similar to the mud is ordinary, sits down exhausted in the place.
At this moment his binocular delay, is in trance, sweats profusely, pants, by seriously frightening.
Freely, Chu Feng pressed for an answer his several, was only the time of moment, but regarding him, these days, simply like placing hell, was unendurable.
„You, give your transmission symbol Cyanwood Mountain, all takes.” Suddenly, Chu Feng aperture.
The Cursed Soil Sect people do not dare to violate, took out the transmission