Group behavior study by looking at the meaning of actions
The way we interpret the world motivates the actions we take
The interpretation individuals and groups give to the actions to others as well as their own actions
Ex. The clash between modern values and traditional cultures as one of the reasons or terrorism (Juergensmeyer, 2000)
Ex. Religious terrorists look at the modern world and reject it – refuse to accept of the secular modern world
Social meanings groups explain political behaviour
Social action is based on social meanings
When applied to terrorism, terrorist organizations are the result of subjective meaning (existing in the mind)
Seek to avoid subjective meaning when examining events
Human societies need to accomplish certain functions (organisations created to do them)
Organisations develop according to the needs
Predictable actions or functions
According to Donald Black (2004), explaining terrorist behavior is no different than explaining an other aspect of human action
Terrorist organizations take action because they belong to a structure that operates for a specific purpose.
“Social geometry”
Searching for social and political meanings to find root cause – creates confusions
Terrorism develops when a group with inferior power moves against a superior group, inducing mass civilian casualties.
But, terrorism was rare due to geographical distance – NOT anymore today (shrinking distance and advanced in weapons)