1. Added “Important note” in item 5.6 Claim Embezzlement or Fraudulent Claims Management and claim decline
Important note
In case of someone acknowledged the misconduct/fraud, he/she should report to superior and then the Manager shall report to Compliance controller (LCD) and related party within 2 working days, counts from the acknowledgement of misconduct/fraud.
2. Added “Regulation for considering payment to Third party in case of property damage (TPPD)” and “Important note” in item 5.10 Approval repairing and adjusting cost (in Automate Workflow System)
Regulation for considering payment to Third party in case of property damage (TPPD)
Negotiation with the third party in case of third party property damage, the person in charge has to follow the below instruction:
1. Negotiation with third party based on Principle of indemnity.
2. The amount of compensations is limited to the amount assured (TPPD Coverage) or the actual losses, whichever is lesser.
3. All cases that damage happened to third party vehicle or motorcycle and age of vehicle or motorcycle is over one year from registration date. The person in charge has to check the market price of that vehicle or motorcycle from the Red Book or Internet or etc. and record or comment in the Workflow system. The compensation must not be more than the actual damage or market price of that vehicle or motorcycle.
Important note
In case of receiving contact from the INS/TP/Garage/Etc., the person in charge has to record the correspondence detail in comment feature of Work Flow System.
3. Added “Important note” in item 5.21 Payment Procedures
Important note
In case of payment to non-appointed garages, the person in charge has to contact INS/TP to confirm about the repairing status before payment. The confirmation by telephone or consent letter from INS/TP to pay repairing cost directly to garage is need. In case of confirmation by telephone, the person in charge has to record the result of confirmation in comment feature of Work Flow System.
If you have any comments or any suggestions, please do not hesitate to let me know within 30th June 2014 before 9.30 a.m. In case of no any comments or suggestions, I will proceed to the next process.