Business relationship management and service level management
The difference in focus between BRM and other processes is illustrated by the differences between BRM and service level management (SLM). Both processes are concerned with long-term relationships with the customer and with ensuring that the customer is happy with what is delivered. The focuses of SLM are on forging agreements with the customer on levels of service to be delivered for specific services and, by ensuring these service levels are met, on achieving acceptable levels of customer satisfaction. This means making sure that all SM processes, underpinning contracts and operational level agreements support the achievement of SLAs. BRM builds relationships with the customer that focus on strategic and higher level issues, seeking to provide services that are aligned to the business needs of the customer and are within the capability of the service provider to deliver. Customer satisfaction is a primary measure of the success of BRM, but this is customer satisfaction expressed in terms of the value of services to the customer.