Chondrocytes isolated from rabbit articular cartilagebwere inoculated onto numerous PHBHHx/PHB porous
scaffolds (54).
Total collagen content in all scaffoldsncontaining PHBHHx increased with the duration of incubation.
Moreover, the use of PHB/PHBHHx at a ratio of 1:2 in scaffolds resulted in a significant increase in the production of GAG, a major composition of ECM, after 7 days of culture, compared with scaffolds having different component ratios.
Therefore, the proportion of PHBHHx in the PHB/PHBHHx composite system is of importance for the promotion of ECM synthesis by articular cartilage 536 H.M. Chang et al.
Braz J Med Biol Res 47(7) 2014
chondrocytes. The inoculated cells grew better on the
scaffolds consisting of PHBHHx/PHB at the ratios of 2:1
and 1:2 than on those having a 1:1 ratio.