You asked me have made any American friends since i've been here. To tell you the truth, don't know, Americans seem to have an idea about friendship different from ours, First, everyone is very friendly. People smile and even sometimes say hello to me in the street people I don't even know! Bath boys And at the dorm everyone seems kind, too They say things like have to get together some time" or stop by some time. "But they have ever have time just then to chat a little longer. The re always in a hurry, on their ay somewhere. Another thing is they'll ask about Egypt but they don't really seem to care about the answer, besides just noticing that your customs are different. And they really know nothing about Egypt or much of the rest of the world we had about our think of you and Karima and the long discussions lives and about the world. That's what friendship means to me. think of the many times I needed your help and even if you had your own problems, you always helped me. haven't found that even after one year of living here. don't mean to complain, but you did ask. I guess can say it's very easy here make acquaintances but I'm not sure what friendship means in American terms.