Performance measurement and
management: a literature review and a
research agenda
Paolo Taticchi, Flavio Tonelli and Luca Cagnazzo
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to review the literature in the field of performance measurement
and management (PMM) for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and large companies and propose a
research agenda for the future.
Design/methodology/approach – This paper provides an update of Neely’s work ‘‘The evolution of
performance measurement research’’ The literature review has been carried out by using two different
methodologies. Citation/co-citation analysis has been used to explore ‘‘performance measurement’’
(PM) literature, while a chronological review of main frameworks/models developed both for large and
small companies is presented in order to highlight ‘‘PMM’’ literature.
Findings – The paper analyzes the literature on the field and carries out the most cited works and the
common characteristics of them based on the key words used. The results of the literature review reveal
a certain maturity of the literature related to large companies and a significant lack of PMM literature for
SMEs. Finally the paper argues the development and evolution of the research field that is now entering
a phase of new directions. These new directions can be conceptualized in three ways – by context, by
theme and by challenge.
Research limitations/implications – The research presented in the paper is limited to work that is
referred directly with performance measurement and management. Related research – such as
literature on management control and accounting – has not been considered, even if future researches
could include it.
Originality/value – The paper extends Neely’s work under two dimensions: the research field evolution
from2005 to 2008 and the investigation of the ‘‘performance management’’ dimension. The paper will be
valuable to scholars working in the field of business performance measurement and management,
interested in the literature evolution and in identifying future areas of research.
Keywords Performance measures, Performance management, Small to medium-sized enterprises,
Paper type General review
1. Introduction
Interest on performance measurement and management (PMM) has notably increased in the
last 20 years (Taticchi, 2008). Particularly, it is important to note the evolution of focusing
performance from a financial perspective to a non-financial perspective. Since the middle of
1980s, companies emphasized the growing need of controlling production business
processes. Companies have understood that for competing in continuously changing
environments, it is necessary to monitor and understand firm performances. Measurement
has been recognized as a crucial element to improve business performance (Sharma et al.,
2005). A performance measurement and management system (PMS) is a balanced and
dynamic system that enables support of decision-making processes by gathering,
elaborating and analyzing information (Neely et al., 2002). The concept of ‘‘balance’’ refers
to the need of using different measures and perspectives that tied together give an holistic
view of the organization (Kaplan and Norton, 1996). The concept of ‘‘dynamicity’’ refers