Profound along with Profound Strength cultivation for the enhancement, the traveling speed will also grow. Especially achieves Sky Profound Realm, after can cross unreliably is void, rapidness of the flying speed, is the extremely astonishing degree, but is still not able compared with the speed of profound boat. But to Tyrant Profound and Sovereign Profound such to high boundary, although the limiting velocity can surpass most profound boats, but cannot compare some level of profound boats.
For example Absolute Monarch Sanctuary Heavenly Sacred Divine Ark, Sun Moon Divine Hall Sacred Sun Moon Ark.
However, an profound boat when carrying on the flight of limiting velocity, follows the consumptions of massive higher spar. The profound boat is higher, the flying speed is faster, the spar grade of demand is then higher, the consumption is also quicker. Therefore, even if existence of Four Great Sacred Grounds this grade of plane/level, if no urgent matter, will not use the higher profound boat easily.
At this time, above several thousand zhang (3.33 m) upper air, the Sun-Moon Divine Ark rapid flight, its length makes thousand feet (333 m) from out of the blue, all over the body silver white, the left engraved is flaminging the mark of date, the right was mounting the elephant of waning moon. Cognition that the rapidness of speed it flies, must far exceed the average man, below profound can only hear the grating sound from out of the blue, even if gains ground immediately, actually links a remnant shade unable to see that will only see everywhere fracto cloud and one piece for a very long time not the loose space ripples.
In Sacred Sun Moon Ark, the Ye Xinghan surface sinks like the water, the vision cold. At this time, his brain awoke coldly, knows one use Sacred Sun Moon Ark to be impulsive for Yun Che, will be punished by the father surely, but he actually does not regret this impulsion.
In Sacred Sun Moon Ark besides Ye Xinghan, 19 people. And 15 people are Ye Xinghan personal Protector, Profound Strength completely in the boundary of Tyrant Profound, most powerhouse is Tyrant Profound Realm Ninth Level. But another four people of they establish separately the Ye Xinghan body side, the look of everyone does not get angry, but prestige, aura, is sincere such as ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) mountain, that 15 Tyrant Emperor not only Profound Strength is formidable, but also is Ye Xinghan Protector, has very high status in Sun Moon Divine Hall, but in looking to these four people, in the look is flooding the deep awe all.
Because of these four people, completely is the Sun Moon Divine Hall elder level characters!!
But must be Sun Moon Divine Hall the seat of elder, the most important condition, is achievement Sovereign!
Moreover, these four people are not only the Sun Moon Divine Hall elders, but also completely is first 20, one of them, is first ten: Separately is Eleventh Elder Ye Juanyun and Fifteenth Elder Ye Shi and 17 elder ∫⊥∫⊥∫⊥∫⊥, m. .c▽om Ye Shuran, as well as Profound Strength close to Sovereign Late stage, reached Sovereign Profound Realm Seventh Level Ninth Elder Ye Guying!
„Trivial Yun Che, makes Young Master so fly into a rage unexpectedly, Young Master rather was also thinking highly of him.” Saw that the Ye Xinghan complexion started to calm down from initial hot tempered Zhongping, the Fifteenth Elder Ye Shi light aperture said. „Yun Che” this name, he has to listen. After all a person of strength selects to turn the Divine Phoenix Sect young generation of ten big talents, this matter three years ago , but the world stir, thinks that does not know difficultly, but merely has also listened, plane that because is by them, Yun Che has not let the qualifications that they pay attention. As for afterward heard Yun Che to go bad the Ye Xinghan good deed in Primordial Profound Ark, then died above, their also simply joked it away dares to offend his Sun Moon Divine Hall Young Master, even if did not die in Primordial Profound Ark, left Primordial Profound Ark, can only die was more miserable!
But suddenly knew that Yun Che is actually living the appearance, but also kills his two Protector continually, the Ye Xinghan thorough violent anger, kills its bang for the earliest possible time, does not hesitate to use Sacred Sun Moon Ark unexpectedly, but also brought 15 Protector, with their entire four elders! This far more than is the oxen knife kills the chicken!