The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA – see above, p. 55), backed by the UN,
the World Bank, the World Resources Institute and scientists in ninety-five countries
at a cost of US$24 million, is the first thorough worldwide assessment. The MEA
indicates serious degradation of the Earth’s life-support systems, lack of sustainable
resources use, and a growing risk of abrupt and drastic environmental change. Whether
governments will heed the warnings is uncertain; it is difficult at the time of writing to
assess the impact this publication may have. Hopefully it will prompt more serious
thinking and it does offer some hope that with proactive approaches disaster may be
● Environmental management should consider the threat of infrequent but severe
events and, whenever possible, steer development to reduce human vulnerability,
conserve biodiversity and cultural riches, and enhance adaptability.
● Environmental management must look carefully at the physical, social and
economic factors involved in each situation before drawing conclusions – false
impressions are easily gained.
● In recent decades there has been a spread of interdisciplinary approaches.
● Ecosystems are widely used as study, planning and management units.
● Few ecosystems are wholly natural; many have altered drastically and must therefore
be managed to avoid degradation – nature cannot regain control.