Sometimes you may hear people say that cats are not as loving and affectionate as dogs. That is simply a myth. Cats can be every bit as great a companion. As it is with dogs; or human children too for that matter, a cat's personality largely depends on how it is raised and treated during its lifetime. I have had both cats and dogs all of my life. Mind you this is in no way a put-down of dogs. I am merely making the argument that cats can be just as loving as dogs.
If you acquire a cat as a baby kitten you have the chance to shape its personality. It is highly recommended that you hold him or her a lot (even if they squirm to get down) and cuddle and kiss them frequently. Make sure your kitten is exposed to lots of people including children and any other pets in your home. Also do everything possible to be certain the kitten's experiences with everybody are positive. If small children handle the kitten it is a good idea to supervise them together and ensure the children do it properly. Do not let anyone man-handle or be too rough with the kitten. If your kitten comes from a home where the mother cat is present do your best to let the mother get to know you FIRST before you handle her baby. It is a good thing to pay a lot of attention to her as well. Then she will not feel neglected. When your new kitten is in your home play with him often and be prepared to have him up on the couch or even in your bed with you. Even at a young age kittens are great climbers. They WILL climb up on your couch or bed. If you object to this perhaps you should not have a cat (or a pet at all because dogs will do this too.)
It is also an option for you to adopt a mature cat from your nearest animal shelter. An older cat can have plenty of love and affection to give you. Plus you will avoid all of the mischief a kitten tends to get into as it is growing up. At the animal shelter you can find a staff member to assist you in finding a mature cat that is friendly and affectionate. In order for her to stay that way, once again you must show your new pet that you want her love. Give her a lot of love and you will get it back ten-fold. She may climb up on the couch or bed with you as well. Rejecting this action will likely result in your cat losing her sweet disposition. You do not want that to happen.
In short YES; a cat can be a very lovable and affectionate pet, even though they are more independent than dogs. If you treat him or her kindly they will respond with positive behavior. Your cat will greet you when you come home from a hard day's work or when you wake up in the morning. Cats are wonderful companions when you give them the chance to be. That is a fact!
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