03 – Shooting Rules
3.1 A concealment garment is required for all stages unless otherwise specified in the stage description. This includes standards and limited stages.
3.1.1 Exception: Police or military personnel using actual duty gear. See definition of duty gear in the Equipment Section.
3.2 Targets must be engaged in tactical priority unless tactical sequence is specified in the stage description. This includes all targets engaged “in the open.”
3.2.1 Tactical Priority: A method of target engagement. For Tactical Priority, targets are engaged by order of threat. Threat is based on the distance of the visible threats from the shooter. Targets are considered equal threat when they are two (2) yards (1.8 meters) or less from each other, relative to the shooter. If several targets are visible at the same time, targets are engaged from near-to-far unless they are equal threat. If targets are hidden by a prop, the targets are engaged as they are seen around the edge of the prop (slicing the pie).
3.2.2 Tactical Sequence: A method of target engagement for targets of equal threat. Targets are considered equal threat when they are two (2) yards (1.8 meters) or less from each other, relative to the shooter. For Tactical Sequence, all targets must be engaged with one round each before being engaged again. In the case of three (3) targets requiring two (2) rounds each, all targets must be engaged with one round to each target before reengaging the targets with another round in any order (example:1-1-2-1-1). Tactical Sequence may not be used for targets farther than ten (10) yards (9.1 meters) from the shooter. Tactical Sequence may not be combined with Tactical Priority (near-to-far or from cover) on the same targets. Tactical Sequence is only required when it is specified in the stage description. Make up shots during a Tactical Sequence engagement must come after each target has been engaged with at least one round. Failing to use Tactical Sequence when specified incurs one Procedural Error penalty per array of targets and cannot be erased by trying to fix an error in sequence.
3.2.3 A target is considered “Engaged” when: A cardboard target is deemed to have been engaged when the required number of shots for that target have been fired at the target. A reactive target is deemed to have been engaged when a minimum of 1 round is fired at the target, regardless of whether the target reacts. All penalties apply if the shooter does not re-engage the target until the target reacts or if the shooter unsuccessfully challenges the reactive target calibration. See rule 4.24.5 for reactive target calibration details. A cardboard target with a steel activator behind it is considered engaged when the required number of shots are fired at the cardboard target. When an activator reveals a target of equal or higher Tactical Priority, the shooter may interrupt the engagement of the cardboard target to engage the target of equal or higher Tactical Priority. The appropriate penalties apply if the shooter subsequently fails to return and complete the engagement of the original target, i.e., fire the required number of rounds at it.
3.2.4 Target engagement penalties shall not apply in the following cases: A shooter may not be penalized for failing to fire the required number of shots at a disappearing target.