A. WARMERCan you identify the humorous points of these jokes?B. OBSERV translation - A. WARMERCan you identify the humorous points of these jokes?B. OBSERV Indonesian how to say

A. WARMERCan you identify the humor

Can you identify the humorous points of these jokes?
Task 1: Comprehension Questions
Your teacher is going to read a text about
Tsunami. Listen carefully and later you will have
to answer the questions.
1. Waiter, how long will my sausages be?
Oh about three inches.
2. Why didn’t the man die when he drank the poison?
Because he was in the living room.
3. What’s the difference between a jeweler and a jailer?
A jeweler sells watches, and a jailer watches cells.
4. Why is six scared of seven?
Because 7-8-9.
5. How do bees travel?
They take the buzz.
1. What is a tsunami?
2. What are tsunamis often called?
3. How fast can tsunami waves travel according to National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)?
4. When does the speed of tsunami waves slow down?
5. How long can the tsunami waves last?
Task 2: Oral Description
Task 1: Think about it.
Use the following questions as hints.
1. Do you know what a tornado is?
2. What does a tornado look like?
3. Where do you think a tornado is usually found?
Listen to your teacher again.
You will be asked to answer some questions.
After that, you will work in pairs to describe
what tsunami is.
Before you read the following text about tornadoes,
talk what you know about in your groups.
Bahasa Inggris 99
Task 2: Comprehension questions
The word tornado comes from Spanish language and
means to twist or turn. A tornado is a whirlwind produced by
atmospheric conditions, mainly extremely low pressure, during
a severe thunderstorm.
Tornadoes usually turn
counterclockwise. They appear as
funnel shaped columns of violently
rotating winds that reach down from a
storm and touch the ground. Although
a tornado is not always visible to the
eye, tornadic conditions can still be
picked up on radar, or the tornado may
become visible once debris and dirt
are pulled into it.
A tornado may also be referred
to as a funnel cloud, but this is
technically not a correct term. While
the two words are sometimes used interchangeably, a funnel cloud
is different, not in its make up, but in the fact that it does not touch
the ground. Another name that is often used to describe a tornado
is twister, due to its violent twisting motion.
The tornado is one of the most unpredictable and destructive
forces of nature, often destroying everything in its path. A tornado
is usually preceded by severe storms, which may include lightning,
high winds, and frequent hail. It can change course without notice,
and is usually accompanied by a roaring sound, or as some
describe it, the sound of freight train.
(Taken from http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-a-tornado.htm)
Source: picturesforcoloring.com
Picture 7.1 A Tornado
Read the text above carefully, and then answer these
1. What does the word tornado mean?
2. What is a tornado?
3. How do tornadoes usually turn?
4. What do tornadoes look like?
5. What are the other names of tornadoes?
6. Why is it technically not correct to refer tornadoes
as funnel clouds?
7. Why is a tornado described as a twister?
8. What usually precedes a tornado?
9. What usually accompanies a tornado?
10. What does the word some in the last line refer to?
Vocabulary Builder
Task 3: Find the meaning of words.
After reading the text about tornado,
individually guess the meaning of each word
below. Then, check them with your friends.
When necessary, consult your dictionary.
After that, practice pronouncing the words.
s e v e r e : VࢵৠYࢵU
c o u n t e r c l o c k w i s e :  ޖN D ݜQ W ԥ U  ޖN O ޝ ܤN Z D ܼ ] 
v i o l e n t : ৠYDࢵӂOӂQW
v i s i b l e : ৠYࢵ]ࢵEԥ O
i n t e r c h a n g e a b l y : ৣࢵQWӂৠW࣎HࢵQGࣝӂEOࢵ
d e b r i s : GӂৠEUL১
m a k e u p : PHࢵNࣗS
d e s t r u c t i v e : GࢵৠVWUࣗNWࢵY
p r e c e d e : SUࢵৠVL১G
c o u r s e : Nࢠ১UV
Source: picturesforcoloring.com
Picture 7.2 A dictionary
Bahasa Inggris 101
Grammar Review
Task 4: Observe the present verbs.
is, turn, appear, and reach. They are called the Simple Present
Tense. Observe these sentences.
The word “tornado” comes from Spanish language.
The word means to twist or turn.
A tornado is a whirlwind produced by atmospheric conditions.
Tornadoes usually turn counterclockwise.
They appear as funnel shaped columns of violently
rotating winds.
They reach down from a storm and touch the ground.
Do you know why some verbs end with –s (e.g., comes,
means) and some other verbs do not (e.g., turn, appear)? Discuss
with your friends!
Text Structure
Task 5: Observe the text structure.
The text about tornado above is called a factual report
(information report). A factual report aims to provide information
about natural or social phenomena. In this case, the text about
tornado is an example of natural phenomena.
Underline some other present verbs
in the text!
factual report gives us a ENCUUKſECVKQP containing some general
information about the phenomena, in this case, tornado (e.g., the
origin of the word). All the paragraphs that follow contain some
description about tornado; the description provides details. The
description answers to these questions: What is it? What does it
look like? What special features does it have?
Read the text again, and then
write in the table below the appropriate
questions about tornados that the
paragraphs will answer.
Task 1: Read the text below carefully, and then practice reading
it aloud. Mind your pronunciation and intonation.
A tsunami is a giant wave (or series of waves) created by an
undersea earthquake, volcanic eruption or landslide. Tsunamis are
Parts of the Text Questions to Answer
Paragraph 1:
Where does the word tornado come from?
What does it mean?
Description Paragraph 2:
What do tornadoes look like?
Paragraph 3:
What special features do tornadoes have?
Paragraph 4:
What other special feature do tornadoes have?
Bahasa Inggris 103
often called tidal waves, but this is not an accurate description
because tides have little effect on giant tsunami waves.
Far out in the ocean, tsunami waves don’t get very high, but
they move very fast. In fact, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) reports that tsunami waves can travel as
fast as a jet plane.
As a tsunami gets closer to land and the ocean depth
decreases, the speed of the tsunami wave slows down and the
height of the tsunami wave increases dramatically—along with its
potential for destruction.
One thing is certain about tsunamis: they are unpredictable.
Not all undersea earthquakes or other seismic events create
(The article is taken from: http://environment.about.com/od/environmentalevents/f/
Task 2: Observe the present verbs.
Look through the text again.
Underline all the verbs in the present
forms like in the following example.
A tsunami is a giant wave (or series of waves) created by
an undersea earthquake, volcanic eruption or landslide. Tsunamis
are often called tidal waves, but this is not an accurate description
because tides have little effect on giant tsunami waves.
Task 3: Find a factual report text.
go to the library or search in the Internet. Use the following questions
to help you select the text.
1. What is the natural phenomenon?
2. What does the phenomenon look like?
3. What features does the phenomenon have?
4. What other features does the phenomenon have?
Present your text neatly and attractively so that the
other groups want to read it. Take turn sharing the
information you have with the class.
Task 4: Find the present verbs.
Look through your text again.
Rewrite the sentences that have present
verbs. Compare what you have with
other groups.
Bahasa Inggris 105
Task 1: Vocabulary Exercise
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words. Consider the contexts of
the sentences in choosing the right words.
1. The occurence of cyclones is usually characterized by
inward spiraling winds that rotate ____________ in the
Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern
Hemisphere of the Earth.
2. This ____________ material moves according to the
wind direction.
3. Scientists can hypothesize that certain signs of natural
phenomena ____________ certain events.
4. Environmental education is useful in minimizing
____________ behaviors to the environment.
5. Once the building was destroyed, the social workers
had to work hard to clean up and remove all the
6. Pilots depend on coordinates to ensure that they are in
the right ____________.
7. ____________ behaviors might be caused by severe
mental illness.
severe anticlockwise course violent
visible debris interchangeably
make up destructive precede
____________ their loss in the presti
From: -
To: -
Results (Indonesian) 1: [Copy]
A. WARMERCan you identify the humorous points of these jokes?B. OBSERVING AND QUESTIONINGListeningTask 1: Comprehension QuestionsYour teacher is going to read a text aboutTsunami. Listen carefully and later you will haveto answer the questions.1. Waiter, how long will my sausages be?Oh about three inches.2. Why didn’t the man die when he drank the poison?Because he was in the living room.3. What’s the difference between a jeweler and a jailer?A jeweler sells watches, and a jailer watches cells.4. Why is six scared of seven?Because 7-8-9.5. How do bees travel?They take the buzz.98 Kelas XII SMA/MA/SMK/MAK1. What is a tsunami?2. What are tsunamis often called?3. How fast can tsunami waves travel according to NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)?4. When does the speed of tsunami waves slow down?5. How long can the tsunami waves last?Task 2: Oral DescriptionReadingTask 1: Think about it.Use the following questions as hints.1. Do you know what a tornado is?2. What does a tornado look like?3. Where do you think a tornado is usually found?9JGTGFKF[QWſPFKPHQTOCVKQPCDQWVVQTPCFQHQTVJGſTUVVKOG!Listen to your teacher again.You will be asked to answer some questions.After that, you will work in pairs to describewhat tsunami is.Before you read the following text about tornadoes,talk what you know about in your groups.Bahasa Inggris 99Task 2: Comprehension questionsThe word tornado comes from Spanish language andmeans to twist or turn. A tornado is a whirlwind produced byatmospheric conditions, mainly extremely low pressure, duringa severe thunderstorm.Tornadoes usually turncounterclockwise. They appear asfunnel shaped columns of violentlyrotating winds that reach down from astorm and touch the ground. Althougha tornado is not always visible to theeye, tornadic conditions can still bepicked up on radar, or the tornado maybecome visible once debris and dirtare pulled into it.A tornado may also be referredto as a funnel cloud, but this istechnically not a correct term. Whilethe two words are sometimes used interchangeably, a funnel cloudis different, not in its make up, but in the fact that it does not touchthe ground. Another name that is often used to describe a tornadois twister, due to its violent twisting motion.The tornado is one of the most unpredictable and destructiveforces of nature, often destroying everything in its path. A tornadois usually preceded by severe storms, which may include lightning,high winds, and frequent hail. It can change course without notice,and is usually accompanied by a roaring sound, or as somedescribe it, the sound of freight train.(Taken from http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-a-tornado.htm)Source: picturesforcoloring.comPicture 7.1 A Tornado100 Kelas XII SMA/MA/SMK/MAKRead the text above carefully, and then answer theseSWGUVKQPUDTKGƀ[1. What does the word tornado mean?2. What is a tornado?3. How do tornadoes usually turn?4. What do tornadoes look like?5. What are the other names of tornadoes?6. Why is it technically not correct to refer tornadoesas funnel clouds?7. Why is a tornado described as a twister?8. What usually precedes a tornado?9. What usually accompanies a tornado?10. What does the word some in the last line refer to?Vocabulary BuilderTask 3: Find the meaning of words.After reading the text about tornado,individually guess the meaning of each wordbelow. Then, check them with your friends.When necessary, consult your dictionary.After that, practice pronouncing the words.s e v e r e : VࢵৠYࢵUc o u n t e r c l o c k w i s e :  ޖN D ݜQ W ԥ U  ޖN O ޝ ܤN Z D ܼ ] v i o l e n t : ৠYDࢵӂOӂQWv i s i b l e : ৠYࢵ]ࢵEԥ Oi n t e r c h a n g e a b l y : ৣࢵQWӂৠW࣎HࢵQGࣝӂEOࢵd e b r i s : GӂৠEUL১m a k e u p : PHࢵNࣗSd e s t r u c t i v e : GࢵৠVWUࣗNWࢵYp r e c e d e : SUࢵৠVL১Gc o u r s e : Nࢠ১UVSource: picturesforcoloring.comPicture 7.2 A dictionaryBahasa Inggris 101Grammar ReviewTask 4: Observe the present verbs..QQMVJTQWIJVJGVGZVCICKP;QWYKNNſPFXGTDUNKMGcomes, means,is, turn, appear, and reach. They are called the Simple PresentTense. Observe these sentences.The word “tornado” comes from Spanish language.The word means to twist or turn.A tornado is a whirlwind produced by atmospheric conditions.Tornadoes usually turn counterclockwise.They appear as funnel shaped columns of violentlyrotating winds.They reach down from a storm and touch the ground.Do you know why some verbs end with –s (e.g., comes,means) and some other verbs do not (e.g., turn, appear)? Discusswith your friends!Text StructureTask 5: Observe the text structure.The text about tornado above is called a factual report(information report). A factual report aims to provide informationabout natural or social phenomena. In this case, the text abouttornado is an example of natural phenomena.Underline some other present verbsin the text!102 Kelas XII SMA/MA/SMK/MAK *QYCTGHCEVWCNTGRQTVUYTKVVGP!6JGſTUVRCTCITCRJQHCfactual report gives us a ENCUUKſECVKQP containing some generalinformation about the phenomena, in this case, tornado (e.g., theorigin of the word). All the paragraphs that follow contain somedescription about tornado; the description provides details. Thedescription answers to these questions: What is it? What does itlook like? What special features does it have?Read the text again, and thenwrite in the table below the appropriatequestions about tornados that theparagraphs will answer.C. COLLECTING INFORMATIONTask 1: Read the text below carefully, and then practice readingit aloud. Mind your pronunciation and intonation.A tsunami is a giant wave (or series of waves) created by an
undersea earthquake, volcanic eruption or landslide. Tsunamis are
Parts of the Text Questions to Answer
Paragraph 1:
Where does the word tornado come from?
What does it mean?
Description Paragraph 2:
What do tornadoes look like?
Paragraph 3:
What special features do tornadoes have?
Paragraph 4:
What other special feature do tornadoes have?
Bahasa Inggris 103
often called tidal waves, but this is not an accurate description
because tides have little effect on giant tsunami waves.
Far out in the ocean, tsunami waves don’t get very high, but
they move very fast. In fact, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) reports that tsunami waves can travel as
fast as a jet plane.
As a tsunami gets closer to land and the ocean depth
decreases, the speed of the tsunami wave slows down and the
height of the tsunami wave increases dramatically—along with its
potential for destruction.
One thing is certain about tsunamis: they are unpredictable.
Not all undersea earthquakes or other seismic events create
(The article is taken from: http://environment.about.com/od/environmentalevents/f/
Task 2: Observe the present verbs.
Look through the text again.
Underline all the verbs in the present
forms like in the following example.
A tsunami is a giant wave (or series of waves) created by
an undersea earthquake, volcanic eruption or landslide. Tsunamis
are often called tidal waves, but this is not an accurate description
because tides have little effect on giant tsunami waves.
Task 3: Find a factual report text.
go to the library or search in the Internet. Use the following questions
to help you select the text.
1. What is the natural phenomenon?
2. What does the phenomenon look like?
3. What features does the phenomenon have?
4. What other features does the phenomenon have?
Present your text neatly and attractively so that the
other groups want to read it. Take turn sharing the
information you have with the class.
Task 4: Find the present verbs.
Look through your text again.
Rewrite the sentences that have present
verbs. Compare what you have with
other groups.
Bahasa Inggris 105
Task 1: Vocabulary Exercise
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words. Consider the contexts of
the sentences in choosing the right words.
1. The occurence of cyclones is usually characterized by
inward spiraling winds that rotate ____________ in the
Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern
Hemisphere of the Earth.
2. This ____________ material moves according to the
wind direction.
3. Scientists can hypothesize that certain signs of natural
phenomena ____________ certain events.
4. Environmental education is useful in minimizing
____________ behaviors to the environment.
5. Once the building was destroyed, the social workers
had to work hard to clean up and remove all the
6. Pilots depend on coordinates to ensure that they are in
the right ____________.
7. ____________ behaviors might be caused by severe
mental illness.
severe anticlockwise course violent
visible debris interchangeably
make up destructive precede
____________ their loss in the presti
Being translated, please wait..
Results (Indonesian) 2:[Copy]
Dapatkah Anda mengidentifikasi poin lucu dari lelucon ini?
B. MENGAMATI dan mempertanyakan
Tugas 1: Pemahaman Pertanyaan
Guru Anda akan membaca teks tentang
Tsunami. Mendengarkan dengan seksama dan kemudian Anda akan memiliki
untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan.
1. Pelayan, berapa lama akan sosis saya menjadi?
Oh sekitar tiga inci.
2. Mengapa tidak orang itu mati ketika dia minum racun?
Karena dia di ruang tamu.
3. Apa perbedaan antara perhiasan dan sipir penjara?
A perhiasan menjual jam tangan, dan sipir penjara jam tangan sel.
4. Mengapa enam takut tujuh?
Karena 7-8-9.
5. Bagaimana perjalanan lebah?
Mereka mengambil buzz.
98 Kelas XII SMA / MA / SMK / MAK
1. Apa tsunami?
2. Apa tsunami sering disebut?
3. Seberapa cepat dapat gelombang tsunami perjalanan menurut National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)?
4. Kapan kecepatan gelombang tsunami melambat?
5. Berapa lama bisa gelombang tsunami bertahan?
Tugas 2: Oral Keterangan
Tugas 1:. Pikirkan tentang hal ini
Gunakan pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut sebagai petunjuk.
1. Apakah Anda tahu apa tornado adalah?
2. Apa tornado terlihat seperti?
3. Menurut Anda tornado biasanya ditemukan?
Dengarkan guru Anda lagi.
Anda akan diminta untuk menjawab beberapa pertanyaan .
Setelah itu, Anda akan bekerja berpasangan untuk menggambarkan
apa tsunami.
Sebelum Anda membaca teks berikut tentang tornado,
berbicara apa yang Anda ketahui tentang dalam kelompok Anda.
Bahasa Inggris 99
Tugas 2: pertanyaan Pemahaman
Kata tornado berasal dari bahasa Spanyol dan
sarana untuk memutar atau berbelok. Tornado adalah angin puyuh yang dihasilkan oleh
kondisi atmosfer, tekanan terutama sangat rendah, selama
badai parah.
Tornado biasanya berubah
berlawanan. Mereka muncul sebagai
kolom berbentuk corong dari kekerasan
berputar angin yang mencapai turun dari
badai dan menyentuh tanah. Meskipun
tornado tidak selalu terlihat dengan
mata, kondisi tornadic masih dapat
mengangkat telepon pada radar, atau tornado dapat
menjadi terlihat sekali puing-puing dan kotoran
ditarik ke dalamnya.
Tornado juga dapat disebut
sebagai awan corong, tapi ini adalah
teknis bukan istilah yang benar. Sementara
dua kata kadang-kadang digunakan secara bergantian, awan corong
berbeda, tidak di make up, tapi dalam kenyataan bahwa itu tidak menyentuh
tanah. Nama lain yang sering digunakan untuk menggambarkan tornado
adalah twister, karena gerakan memutar kekerasan nya.
Tornado adalah salah satu yang paling tak terduga dan merusak
kekuatan alam, sering menghancurkan segala sesuatu di jalan. Tornado
biasanya didahului oleh badai parah, yang mungkin termasuk petir,
angin kencang, dan hujan es sering. Hal ini dapat mengubah arah tanpa pemberitahuan,
dan biasanya disertai dengan suara gemuruh, atau karena beberapa
menggambarkannya, suara kereta barang.
(Diambil dari http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-a-tornado.htm )
Sumber: picturesforcoloring.com
Gambar 7.1 A Tornado
100 Kelas XII SMA / MA / SMK / MAK
Baca teks di atas dengan hati-hati, dan kemudian menjawab
1. Apa kata tornado berarti?
2. Apa tornado?
3. Bagaimana tornado yang biasanya berubah?
4. Apa yang terlihat seperti tornado?
5. Apa nama lain dari tornado?
6. Mengapa teknis tidak benar untuk merujuk tornado
sebagai awan corong?
7. Mengapa tornado digambarkan sebagai twister?
8. Apa yang biasanya mendahului tornado?
9. Apa yang biasanya menyertai tornado?
10. Apa kata beberapa di baris terakhir merujuk?
Vocabulary Builder
Tugas 3:. Cari arti kata-kata
Setelah membaca teks tentang tornado,
secara individual menebak arti dari setiap kata
di bawah ini. Kemudian, memeriksa mereka dengan teman-teman Anda.
Bila perlu, berkonsultasi kamus Anda.
Setelah itu, praktek mengucapkan kata-kata.
Parah:? Vࢵ ৠ ?? YࢵU ??
berlawanan:? ޖ N D ݜ Q W ԥ U? ޖ N O ޝ ܤ N ZD ܼ]?
Kekerasan:? ৠ ?? YDࢵӂOӂQW ??
terlihat:? ৠ ?? Yࢵ] ࢵE ԥ O ???
Bergantian:? ৣ ?? ࢵ QWӂ ৠ ?? W࣎HࢵQG ? ࣝӂEO ࢵ
puing:? Gӂ ৠ ?? EUL1 ??
makeup:? PHࢵN ࣗS??
destruktif:? Gࢵ ৠ ?? VWUࣗNWࢵY ??
mendahului:? SUࢵ ৠ ?? VL1G?
Tentu saja: ? ?? Nࢠ 1 UV ??
Sumber: picturesforcoloring.com
Gambar 7.2 Sebuah kamus
Bahasa Inggris 101
Grammar Ulasan
Tugas 4: Perhatikan kata kerja ini.
.QQM VJTQWIJ VJG VGZV CICKP ??; QW YKNN SPF XGTDU???????? NKMG? datang, berarti,
adalah, mengubah, muncul, dan mencapai. Mereka disebut Simple Present
Tense. Perhatikan kalimat-kalimat ini.
Kata "tornado" berasal dari bahasa Spanyol.
Kata berarti untuk memutar atau berbelok.
Tornado adalah angin puyuh yang dihasilkan oleh kondisi atmosfer.
Tornado biasanya berubah berlawanan.
Mereka tampil sebagai kolom berbentuk corong dari kekerasan
berputar angin.
Mereka mencapai turun dari badai dan menyentuh tanah.
Apakah Anda tahu mengapa beberapa verba diakhiri dengan -s (misalnya, datang,
berarti) dan beberapa kata kerja lain tidak (misalnya, mengubah, muncul)? Diskusikan
dengan teman-teman Anda!
Struktur Teks
Tugas 5:. Amati struktur teks
Teks tentang tornado di atas disebut laporan faktual
(informasi laporan). Sebuah laporan faktual bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi
tentang fenomena alam atau sosial. Dalam hal ini, teks tentang
tornado adalah contoh dari fenomena alam.
Garis bawahi beberapa kata kerja yang hadir lainnya
dalam teks!
102 Kelas XII SMA / MA / SMK /
Laporan faktual memberi kita ENCUUKsECVKQP berisi beberapa umum
informasi tentang fenomena, dalam hal ini, tornado (misalnya,
asal kata) . Semua paragraf berikut mengandung beberapa
deskripsi tentang tornado; deskripsi menyediakan rincian. The
jawaban deskripsi untuk pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini: Apa itu? Apa
terlihat seperti? Fitur apa khusus yang dimilikinya?
Baca teks lagi, dan kemudian
menulis dalam tabel di bawah yang sesuai
pertanyaan tentang tornado bahwa
paragraf akan menjawab.
Tugas 1: Baca teks di bawah hati-hati, dan kemudian berlatih membaca
keras-keras. Pikiran pengucapan dan intonasi.
Tsunami adalah gelombang raksasa (atau serangkaian gelombang) yang dibuat oleh sebuah
gempa bawah laut, letusan gunung berapi atau tanah longsor. Tsunami adalah
Bagian dari Pertanyaan Text to
Ayat 1:
mana tornado kata berasal?
Apa artinya?
Keterangan Ayat 2:
Apa tornado terlihat seperti?
Ayat 3:
Apa fitur-fitur khusus yang tornado memiliki?
Ayat 4:
apa lain khusus fitur yang tornado memiliki?
Bahasa Inggris 103
sering disebut gelombang pasang, tapi ini bukan gambaran yang akurat
karena pasang memiliki sedikit efek pada gelombang tsunami raksasa.
Jauh di laut, gelombang tsunami tidak mendapatkan sangat tinggi, tetapi
mereka bergerak sangat cepat. Bahkan, Kelautan dan Atmosfer Nasional
(NOAA) melaporkan bahwa gelombang tsunami dapat melakukan perjalanan sebagai
cepat sebagai pesawat jet.
Sebagai tsunami semakin dekat untuk mendarat dan kedalaman laut
menurun, kecepatan gelombang tsunami melambat dan
ketinggian gelombang tsunami meningkat secara dramatis-beserta
potensi kehancuran.
Satu hal yang pasti tentang tsunami: mereka semua gempa bumi bawah laut atau peristiwa seismik lainnya membuat VUWPCOKU ?? YJKEJ KU YJ [VUWPCOKU CTG FKHsEWNV VQ RTGFKEV ????????? (Artikel ini diambil dari: http://environment.about.com/od/environmentalevents/ f / apa-adalah-a-tsunami.htm) Tugas 2: Amati kata kerja sekarang. Lihat melalui teks lagi. Garis bawahi semua kata kerja pada saat ini bentuk seperti dalam contoh berikut. Sebuah tsunami adalah gelombang raksasa (atau serangkaian gelombang) yang diciptakan oleh gempa bawah laut, letusan gunung berapi atau tanah longsor. Tsunami sering disebut gelombang pasang, tapi ini bukan gambaran yang akurat karena pasang memiliki sedikit efek pada gelombang tsunami raksasa. 104 Kelas XII SMA / MA / SMK / MAK Tugas 3:. Cari teks laporan faktual? + P ITQWRU ?? SPF ? C HCEVWCN TGRQTV VGZV CDQWV PCVWTCN RJGPQOGPC ??;?????? QW ECP?? pergi ke perpustakaan atau mencari di Internet. Gunakan pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut untuk membantu Anda memilih teks. 1. Apa fenomena alam? 2. Apa fenomena tersebut terlihat seperti? 3. Fitur apa yang fenomena tersebut memiliki? 4. Apa fitur lain yang fenomena tersebut memiliki? Hadir teks Anda rapi dan menarik sehingga kelompok lain ingin membacanya. Ambil mengubah berbagi informasi yang Anda miliki dengan kelas. Tugas 4: Cari saat ini melalui teks Anda lagi. Tulislah kembali kalimat yang memiliki hadir verba. Bandingkan apa yang Anda miliki dengan kelompok lain. Bahasa Inggris 105 D. Bergaul Tugas 1: Kosakata Latihan Isi bagian yang kosong dengan kata-kata yang tepat. Mempertimbangkan konteks kalimat dalam memilih kata yang tepat. 1. Kejadian siklon biasanya ditandai dengan batin spiral angin yang memutar ____________ di belahan bumi utara dan searah jarum jam di Southern Hemisphere Bumi. 2. Ini ____________ materi bergerak sesuai dengan arah angin. 3. Para ilmuwan dapat berhipotesis bahwa tanda-tanda tertentu alami fenomena ____________ peristiwa tertentu. 4. Pendidikan lingkungan berguna dalam meminimalkan ____________ perilaku terhadap lingkungan. 5. Setelah bangunan itu hancur, para pekerja sosial harus bekerja keras untuk membersihkan dan menghapus semua ____________. 6. Pilot tergantung pada koordinat untuk memastikan bahwa mereka berada di kanan ____________. 7. ____________ Perilaku mungkin disebabkan oleh berat penyakit mental. Tentu saja berlawanan arah jarum jam yang parah kekerasan puing-puing terlihat bergantian membuat destruktif mendahului 106 Kelas XII SMA / MA / SMK / MAK ??? 6JG? VGCO? JCF? VQ? YQTM? XGT [? JCTF? JQY? VQ? SPF? YC [U? VQ? ____________ Kerugian mereka di bergengsi tersebut

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