Search engine marketing can contribute remarkably to a web
site's search engine visibility, which in turn can bring great value
to a web site. The different methods of search engine marketing
all have their own pros and cons. Search engine advertising has
the benefits of speed and flexibility. An advertising campaign
can be set up almost instantly and changes for a campaign are
effective right away. However costs are associated with every
single visitor that enters the web site through pay-per-click
search engine advertising. On the other hand there is search
engine optimization, which has the drawback being time
consuming. It takes time to optimize a web site for search
engines, acquire the required relevant back links and get these
changes indexed by the search engine. Search engine
optimization does not happen overnight, but opposite to search
engine advertising in the end the visitors from organic search
engine results are free. Within search engine optimization there
are three main components. The text component and link
component are part of the on-site process. These changes