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Dr. Hamed Al-Amayreh.
It’s with consideration that we have received your correspondence.
Thus base on the introduction of the financial transaction which shall
be settle between you the Beneficiary and the Libyan Financier Owner
of the funds, we are from this correspondence to give you the details
on which the settlement of the transaction and formalities is based
and can be safe for both parties.
First of all the funds had been introduced in Lome Togo here under
diplomatic means under control of one former Ministry in Togo.
The Libyans have been introduced to the Former Ministry who based on
his relationship have deposit the funds in the Central Bank of Lome
under diplomatic means.
In order to move forward in the process, we have been contacted we the
Fiduciary and Financial Intermediation company to assist the parties
the Beneficiary and the Financier, Owner of the funds in the
feasibility of the administrative, judicial formalities for the funds
to their transfer to the beneficiary you are account.
Now the procedure is that. Before we move forward in the process,
the parties : The Financier and Owner of the funds who are the Libyan
and the Beneficiary you are shall sign a
2/ An MOU sorting parties shall be signed between the Financier and
Owner of the funds who are the Libyan, the Beneficiary and the
Fiduciary company which shall stipulated that the parties: the
Financier and Owner of the funds who are the Libyan, the Beneficiary
are soliciting the Fiduciary company to assist them in the
feasibility of the administrative, and judicial formalities of the
funds to their transfer to the beneficiary account.
Upon signature of the Convention and the MOU based on the legalization
and registration of the contract at the court of Lome by f assistance
of the parties. The Financial transaction process shall be ended and
the funds transfer to the beneficiary account.
These are the details based on the regulation of the UEMOA space CFA
currency zone in West Africa.
We are expecting you response and if there is any clarification you
need from us the Fiduciary and Financial Intermediation Company, don’t
hesitate to get back to us.
We thank you for your understanding.
The Fiduciary compant AFRITRANS
The Financial and Judicial Assistant
Tel : +228 96 56 22 36
Email: afritransfiduciaire@gmail.com